Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The U.S. Department of Justice is creating a "Domestic Terrorism Unit."

The US is becoming a fascist country along the lines of Canada.



Justice Department creates specialized unit to deal with domestic terrorism, the department's top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday, describing "heightened" threat from violent extremists In the United States.


According to the AP, Deputy Attorney General Matthew Olsen, testifying just days after the country observed the first anniversary of the violent uprising on Capitol Hill, said the number of FBI investigations into suspected extremists in the country has more than doubled since the spring of 2020.


"We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who attribute extremist anti-government ideologies i anti-authority", Olsen said.



Jill Sanborn, the deputy executive director in charge of the FBI's national security division, who testified alongside Olsen, said Tuesday that the biggest threats are lone extremists, who radicalize themselves on the Internet and want to carry out violence against so-called "soft targets."


In this situation, any anti-government comment or line criticizing the government's actions against citizens will be criminalized, in a word, writing tyranny of censorship.


This shows how far this all goes and that mega fascism is coming: corporate rule.

Niestety ten okrutny system jest tym samy co dla większości chrześcijan imię Jezus – zwykłym napisem na plakacie, hasłem wskazującym na coś tak dalekiego jak księżyc czy gwiazdy.

But it's not only close, it's already being developed in every country.

Freedom of speech is slowly coming to an end, and only representatives of corporations or so-called governments will have a monopoly on the truth.



People have learned nothing from history, and that is why a very painful repetition of the lessons of communism and fascism combined will come.


Mając to wszystko na uwadze, przyszłość Polski najbliższa jest częściowo w naszych rękach. Proroctwa muszą się wypełnić, ale przebieg ucisku jest, był i może będzie inny w każdym kraju…



Updated: 12 January 2022 — 16:08

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