Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Canada criminalizes bibles, and Facebook deletes posts with quotes.

Canada is one of those countries that is building the New Luciferian Order (NPL). From now on, I will use this acronym, which I came up with raptly today, more often. NWO does not convey the meaning of what is happening. The mass of people unborn of the Spirit of God are using slogans about the NWO not coming to God. They think they are opponents of the NWO but in truth, given their departure from God, they are their allies according to the Jesus principle:

"Whoever is not with me is against me" (Matthew 12:30).


The New Age is not persecuted but Christianity is.


In Canada, with the enactment of the of Act C-4 (banning "conversion therapy") the Trudeau government legislated books that effectively criminalize Christianity.



According to respected pastors in this country, Christians will not be allowed to quote the Bible publicly when describing sexual sins.

In a letter published by Liberty Coalition Canada, a group of evangelical pastors comments: "The wording of this bill is broad enough to allow criminal prosecution of Christians who would speak biblical truth into the lives of those enslaved to sexual sins such as homosexuality and transgenderism ...



Even a mother or father who offers their children freedom from sexual sin through repentance and faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 6:9-11) could face five years in prison." The letter continues the rebuke of MPs who unanimously pushed Bill C-4 through the House of Commons last month without any debate or public input.


Canadian pastors write:

" we must all shudder at the thought of what fearful judgments will be imposed on our nation for this bold a gesture of hatred towards the supreme God". Under Bill C-4, which takes effect Jan. 8, biblical teaching on sexuality and gender is defined as "myth" under Canadian law.


However, Canada is an example of what you sow, you shall reap. In Canada, oppression is adequate to the corruption of the churches and the Somite law in this country.

In 2011, 67.3% Canadians were Christians. Of these Catholics were the most numerous in this group and accounted for 39% of the total Canadians. The most numerous Protestant denomination was United Church of Canada (United Church of Canada), which included 6.1% of the country's population.

The problem is that this OC is a liberal Protestant church and wikipedia itself writes about it like this:


" Conservative Catholics and Protestants believe that this is a typical example of "degenerated" and "castrated" Christianity, whereas it is viewed positively by liberal, left-wing and feminist circles, who consider it a "progressive" and "modern" Christianity[" 


Pastors of this church and Polish churches supporting lgbt unions will be where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.



The LGBT lobby, in concert with the mainstream media and the Trudeau Liberals, launched a direct attack on the very foundation of the pro-family movement - God's Word, which gives us God's plan for marriage and family.

Anti-systemists in Poland have no idea about these correlations. Only obedience to the Word will reduce totalitarianism in Poland.

But it is hard to stop this totalitarianism when Protestants themselves fall from the rain into the gutter listening to pastors of lawlessness who, under the guise of radicalism, tell the sheep that God's Law no longer applies...

They deceive people by manipulating and saying that following God's Law is Judaism. As if Noah the righteous man was Judaism when there wasn't even a Mosaic Law yet.

But it was these pastors who led to the downfall of Christianity in Poland like the one I often mention from Bielsko Biala.


The fight is with God's Law and if it weren't for the internet, evangelicals would not be 0.38% but 0.1%....

Pastors of failure operating without power.

But there is a slight awakening in Poland and it has nothing to do with charismatic fires from heaven or an outpouring of the Spirit....

It is the Spirit of Truth that is at work that the descendants of the Canaanites fear.


Facebook deletes Bible quotes.


Yesterday a Brother accused me of deleting a comment with a Bible quote "Cursed is the husbandman who relies on man"....

As it happens, I did not delete that comment. All you had to do, incidentally, was ask first on priv...

Anyway, usually when he deletes a comment, he also blocks the user, because there is a Khazarian Hasbara on the internet discrediting people who show the truth. They impersonate Christian logins, put "truth" in the name after my example. Truth this, truth that...and they attack people fighting for these truths. One young man even created a site called truth detective something there something there.

He attacks me every now and then. God is not afraid...



You must learn to sanctify and choose. If you deny me in any way, then the Sanctifying Spirit should cut you off from me. If you see bad language in others, attacks on believers who speak the truth, then you should cut yourself off from them. That is one of the weapons.

World Khazaria is in the IMF, in Hollywood, in every government, but no pastor warns what Jesus himself warned against in Revelation 3.9.

That's because they are largely in the diaspora. The rest don't know what's going on.



In this case of deleting comments with quotes after an exchange of words, it appeared that more comments were deleted.

This shows what a powerful sword the Word of God is.

The anti-systemists look at the deaths, at the variants' slime, but they don't see that the war is with God, and you can't fight the system without being with God.


I noticed a long time ago that Facebook is not publishing comments under my articles. Let's say you can see under a post that there should be 20 comments, but you can only read 5.....

This is war.


We must be one team and learn to separate the wheat from the chaff. My brother's enemy cannot be my brother.

If I screw up, go somewhere else. It's that simple...

But the hasbara, nor the demonized people, will go to any other place. Their job is to harass, and the Law of Jesus is unequivocal:


When your brother sins, go and rebuke him face to face. If he listens to you, you will win your brother. Mt


Unfortunately they don't follow this rule, and if they do sometimes they don't shake the ash off their feet anyway just keep reading the blog.



I respect all those who neg me and don't look at the blog. It is manly, honorable and pure. If you negate my person and read the blog you are a hypocrite even if you obey the whole Mosaic Law because it teaches sanctification - separation.


If we don't learn to filter people, we'll be outspent by our pseudo-brothers...and I guess that's not the point of practicing suicidal tendencies. Besides, we don't live for ourselves....


One might say, "Ban the Khazar Diaspora."


Brother to brother will not attack, and if he does, he will apologize right away.

There is a great war going on for the truth, but not just the truth of false plandemi, but the truth of God's word, and while none of us have 100% of knowledge, we must stick with those who are closest to our beliefs. The shape of the earth does not save, and if it does then go practice your faith on PZ channels.

Just as the knowledge of stabbing does not save. At this stage the stabbed can die and be saved, and the unstabbed can die in damnation....


The masses of anti-systemists swear, and Scripture says:


"Let no indecent word proceed out of your mouths, but only the good word, which is able to edify when necessary, that it may bring blessing to those who hear it." Eph 4


We need to pray for these people because as of today, they will end up where Gates, Fauci and others are.

I have said from the beginning on my now deleted channel that plandia is a time of grace, a time for conversion. No one goes to heaven for knowing a lie.


It is in our interest to pray for people so that we don't have a second Austri, Canada and Australia. Satan by attacking God's law expands his influence. He has the right to harass people. It is that simple. Only metanoia (conversion from sins) turns away God's wrath.

It will get worse because such my text is a seed on the beach and people want freedom but not freedom from sin as I remind them.


Soon EVERY MAN ON EARTH WILL KNOW THAT THE WORLD IS RULED BY SATANISTS, and not just corrupt people after money and power.

If there is a Satan then there is a Jesus. You choose.



Updated: 10 January 2022 — 10:49

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