Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

4 minutes that subvert the spirit of religiosity. Love is above the law. Courier 1926.

Religijność dotyczy nie tylko zwolenników Prawa Bożego i “łaskowiczów” (fanów taniej łaski). Surowość posługiwania się prawem dotyczy każdego przeciętnego człowieka.


The film is admittedly secular, but it shows the callousness of many Christians who judge the lives of others. By this I do not mean false theology, ecumenism of believers, but judging the motives of sinners. None of us to this day know why Mary Magdalene was an adulteress. Maybe she was forced to do so as in Poland pimps force by taking these women's children as pledges. Don't judge your neighbor, work colleague, brother, sister from the church if you don't know their lives intimately.



Now there are many mentally ill people. Including among nominal Christians.

Just yesterday I was sent a photo from the Daily Courier of a 1926 forecast:



It's 2022 and the norm is to personally insult others on the internet. People can't argue with culture.

Not only that, but Christians themselves are unable to recognize by their fruits. There is a lot of rudeness among nominal Christians.

Ba, it's even worse. Christian jutubers are envious of other Christian jutubers.


I was in Krotoszyn twice probably. Dozens of Christians demonized. This fits in with the forecast from the Courier. However, these are sick people who need a doctor, so their condition is good because they know they are sick, but what about those who don't know they are sick? The Christian heathen don't know they are sick.


Religiosity puts on a mask of great righteousness, and yet we are all sinners.


Personal attacks are the hallmark of religious LAWYERS and it does not depend completely on the denomination or association of the believer.

You will recognize a religious judge by his personal harshness and lack of empathy. The religious Pharisee also does not leave alone like the Pharisees did Jesus. They constantly pursued him.


Failure to implement into their lives the INSTRUCTIONS which are the recommendations of the TORAH causes people to become mentally ill. It only takes watching two episodes of the Black Mirror series to see where we are in history, and we are at a moment of worldwide aberration.


That is why we ALL need a Savior. Not intellectually, but on a spiritual level. Understanding theology does not save as evidenced by Catholic priests, LGBT Methodists, people who reject Paul's letters.

Just getting down on your knees before Jesus saves.


“«Odejdź ode mnie, Panie, bo jestem człowiek grzeszny».” Łk 5.


To encounter Jesus is to confront your sinfulness with holiness. It's like looking in a mirror and seeing yourself as you are, not as we would like to see ourselves.


The teacher in the video, noticing his sin, knelt down and with his gesture of passing the lines, admitted that he was sinful, that he was judging without knowing this boy's life intimately.


I think there are many such boys and girls in our lives as adults.


You choose whether to be a judge or a loving (understanding) person.



Updated: 4 January 2022 — 10:00

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