Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The IMF website has a plan to stab all Poles by 2023.

We know more from the website of the Khazarian IMF than from the supposedly Polish government websites, but we have known for a long time that governments since 1945 have been nothing but puppets of organizations like the IMF.


There is an alarming information posted on the website of this organization distributing cards or rather payment tickets which are fiduciary money, i.e. money without gold cover.



Below is the text:


“Program szczepień SARS-CoV-2 został uruchomiony 27 grudnia, a priorytetem była kadra medyczna. The National Immunization Strategy aims to vaccinate all 31 million adult Poles no later than early 2023, chociaż jeśli pięć wybranych szczepionek zostanie wykonanych szybciej, może to nastąpić do połowy 2022 roku”


Presumably these 5 selected vaccines are the five types to choose from: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson.

Nie wiadomo która ma być piąta, choć niektórzy uważają, że liczba pięć to liczba szczepień. Przy dużej kampanii ogłupienia nowymi wariatami jest możliwe wmówienie ludziom zapotrzebowania na 5 dawek…


In turn, the WHO itself, an offshoot of the Khazarian beast (the UN) declares that it will vaccinate the world's 70%:



In a pious country, people would immediately want an exit from such an organization.



This is terrible news, but POLAND HAS NOT DIED.

That Poland that knows what it's all about.

Poland in name and government represents neither native Slavs nor citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.


We now live as if there should always be a choice, but according to the satanic globalists every Gentile is to be prepared for the transformation to become HUMAN 2.0.


I have a serious type on the antichrist and I may be able to introduce him in a video tomorrow. I've been thinking about him for about six months, a year, but I couldn't connect the dots and even now it's hard. Much of Revelation is being explained now. Just two years ago in early January, NO ONE knew that vaccinations would be the prelude to the mark of the beast.

Będziecie zaskoczeni tym typem i myślę, że stale wystawiano płotki takie jak Trump, Macron, Kushner itd, ale nie to jest najważniejsze….


It is interesting that the financial site has information about stabbing Poles with a medical experiment.

The money has to agree. All corporations must make money, by the way they will save on Social Security when people start to fall, their own will stay, but don't tell anyone. This is the motto of Khazars devoted to Lucifer.

Some of you are familiar with their symbol of covering your mouth with your finger.

Initiates will not be stabbed, or saline according to the testimony of a Slovenian nurse.


Let us Bible believers pray that this plan to stab them will fail.

I am not one of those believers who think it will happen. I got rid of the ecumenical ULA mentality long ago, incidentally also controlled by the Khazars.

Notabene, popatrzcie, mamy rok 2022. W drugiej jego połowie ma zostać wybudowana w Abu Zabi świątynia łącząca syjochrześcijaństwo (katolicyzm, protestantyzm), islam i judaizm….


Many see what is happening and still refuse to come to God and that is why God allows all this to happen. Either you fight alongside the Most High or you put your hopes in yourself or some politician.


Poles had a saying STRACHY NA LACHY.

We Bible believers have a Word given to us from God for such an occasion:



“Wy, dzieci,
You are of God and have overcome them,
Because greater is He who is in you,
od tego, który jest w świecie.” 1 Jana 4.



Sure all the anti-systemists celebrated the Nativity of Jesus on December 24, but how many of them pray to God in the name of that Jesus to be saved from stabbings?

Jezus dla nich to taki napis na dropsach. Dlatego też wejdą w Wielki Ucisk biblijny…


The struggle, too, should manifest itself on an informational and cultural level. A move away from their Khazarian subculture. Rejecting their celebrities, commercial sports, music, politicians, fashion, etc.


We should boycott all forms that segregate people: restaurants, factories.


Despite the discouragement, it is in our best interest to inform Cowidians that sprites are behind the deaths of people stabbed.

It's also worth talking about why unstabbed people are supposedly dying from c19 and why it's attributed to them.


We live in a world of struggle and to the very death, and he who does not struggle has already died.


We Bible believers do not fight in the streets, for:


“Gdyż bój toczymy nie z krwią i z ciałem, lecz z nadziemskimi władzami, ze zwierzchnościami, z władcami tego świata ciemności, ze złymi duchami w okręgach niebieskich.” Efezjan


Dla zainteresowanych pomocny w zrozumieniu walki kulturowej będzie mój stary tekst, którego może tytuł bym tylko zmienił na “Nie wchodź w system szatana”


Updated: 2 January 2022 — 14:59

1 Comment

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  1. My only hope is in the mercy of God. They will only stab me if these bandits violently enter my house.

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