Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

In Portugal, the military will help search for potentially infected people.


Another frontier in taking away people's freedom is being pushed.

Portuguese military services will be catching the potentially infected. All according to the principle of small steps...


At this point, the military will only and as far as catching the Portuguese and informing them of the potential threat, but as we know every season we have the noose tightened and people are slowly starting to feel it.


Of course, the media with this type of information RATIONALIZE fascism by writing how many deaths it is, how OMIKRON is spreading, etc.


During the last 24 hours, sixteen people died on c19...

The fear is growing. It's nothing that no one in their family has Omicron disease, but you can always tell those who catch a cold....


If at the end of the year in some countries (Portugal is not the only one) the military has to catch potentially sick people then what will happen next year?

To think that it is all due to the passivity of people including and intelligent people.


Updated: 29 December 2021 — 19:52

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