Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Kto może być zbawiony? “Co niemożliwe jest u ludzi, możliwe jest u Boga”.

Many Christians are saddened by the stagnation in the salvation of their loved ones.

Wives wait for their husbands to be saved, husbands wait for their wives, children wait for their parents, and parents wait for their children to be saved.


What is impossible with men is possible with God. Luke 18


These Words of Jesus were spoken just after asking the disciples about salvation after Jesus stated that it is difficult for those who have possessions to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


I think the best image to show the meaning of this situation and the disciples' conversation with Jesus is the Warsaw-Praga translation:


And those who heard these words said, Can anyone be saved at all in view of this?


The disciples thought carnally that they could save themselves, which we know is not possible. Salvation is only in Jesus.


What does this mean for our loved ones whose salvation we look forward to?


This means that only God can save, and we, in spite of our duty to tell the Good News (evangelize), can in no way make our loved ones saved.

Ktoś powie “to co mamy nic nie robić?”

Absolutely not. We are to do the maximum, but the author of salvation is God Himself.

A friend recently reminded me of some words from ST that fit perfectly into this discourse:


“I odpowiedział Pan: Sprawię, że całe dostojeństwo moje przejdzie przed tobą, i ogłoszę imię “Pan” przed tobą, i zmiłuję się, nad kim się zmiłuję, i zlituję się, nad kim się zlituję.” Wyjścia 33.19


My brother in Christ, after reading these words, decided that he needed to pray to God for mercy and pity for his parents.

Bóg może zadziałać przez nas, kiedy niesiemy jakiś krzyż z tym związany, a może w całkowicie inny sposób, nawet pełnej dramatu i tragedii….

It can so lower us, our IAM, humble our pride so that loved ones will be saved, but it can also lead to the defeat of the potential saved.

Either way he is the perpetrator.

Evangelism can be a conceit too, just like having a blog or YT channel with a Christian profile.

It is for God to work and so I sometimes pray for God to save other people through my blog.

I myself am but a tool of clay.


So anyone interested in the salvation of their loved ones can pray that God uses them to save (save from the death of another) their families, friends...


What is impossible with men is possible with God. Lk. 18


Nam się może wydawać coś niemożliwe, trwamy w stagnacji, nic się nie dzieje, ale w ten sposób ćwiczy się nasza …….wiara…


Bóg nie pozwoli nam abyśmy to my przypisali sobie zbawienie naszych biskich…

Many Christians treat God as a peripheral figure, even though they say otherwise, but he is sovereign and nothing and no one can limit him!


Maybe when we get rid of our pride in spirit and rely on the grace of God and ask for mercy for our loved ones, God will act faster. I think the attitude of our heart is important.

God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. So let us fight our own pride and rely on God.

Let us ask for all grace (giftedness).


We humans are, as the poet said, flimsy fluff.

We want to see ourselves great, but we are tiny and dependent on God. I think this is worth remembering.





Updated: 22 December 2021 — 09:26


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    1. In these situations if we differ greatly I suggest you stop reading my blog and go your own way if you have the honor.

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