Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Metallica's 2016 video shows the Satanists' plans for the past two years and the immediate future.

I have watched a lot of material in which satanists predicted c19, but this one is probably the most blunt, pessimistic, and as dystopian as possible....


The information was sent to me by my reader Kamil, for which I would like to thank you very much, because maybe some people will wake up....


Most likely, no one will be able to notice at normal speed all the occult signs and catch the message that this music video by a Luciferian band carries.

The reader has captured what is important and I will comment on it.



The first photo in this subliminal message (presumably Metalika fans were not focusing on these images) shows someone examining something under a microscope:



Seemingly an ordinary thing, but the next scene/photo shows us something very familiar:


First they injected it into monkeys....

... and then the children


The next scenes reveal what happens after being stabbed with a graphene crown:



The black fluid deploys inside the body, and the graphene is expected to cause a transformation over time:



I remember how a few months ago, half a year tops, a doctor recorded a video of himself during a stabbing mocking that after the second dose he received a satellite and had a chip. Today it is already officially said that in Sweden stabbing certificates will be in chips.


Transhumanism is not a new thing at all. I've written about it many times, but let's move on to the next scene:



You can now mock what I write here just as many have mocked how I wrote about the Bible's Great Tribulation for years and the beast. Today even the new age is quoting the bible and hateful people are writing books called The Beast. You will see in a minimum of 3 years if the Metallica video was not prophetic....


The last scene is very telling:



Satan's followers dressed in red. These are probably the ones who know all this and didn't get stabbed - Freemasonry and Satan's tribe (Khazaria etc).

On the sides, people already as robots connected to Satan.


These colors are trending right now.





I have written about this several times that after being formatted with stabbings, people will no longer be free individuals.At this stage it is still possible for both the stabbed and the unstabbed to convert to God, but afterwards the stabbed will have no way out.


What is interesting and as a warning at the end, the man running away as an anti-systemist with his girlfriend turned out to be a system-satanist.



Do you think he writes trivia?

Look has my text from June about magneto protein. A systemic site described the workings of a protein that controls the brain.


„Genetycznie zaprojektowane białko „Magneto” zdalnie kontroluje mózg i zachowanie”.


The Guardian reported what the bible was already talking about 2000 years ago:

"(8) And the fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given to him to scorch the people with fire. (9) And the people were burned with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent to give Him glory. (10) And the fifth angel poured out his bowl upon the throne of the wild beast; and there became darkness in his kingdom, and they bit their tongues in pain, (11) And they blasphemed the God of heaven for their pain and for their sores; and they did not repent of their deeds. "

Those who accept the mark of the beast, which I believe invariably for the past 10 years will be the electronic tattoo, will not be able to repent for their actions, for their decisions! They will blaspheme God even though they were warned!

Already the time of grace is ending and soon the time of God's Wrath will come:



(1) And I heard a mighty voice from the temple, saying to the seven angels, Go and pour out the bowls of God's wrath on the ground. (2) And he went out first, and poured out his bowl upon the ground; and there appeared a malignant and festering boil upon the people who had the mark of the wild beast, and who worshiped his image


People who take the mark of the beast or bow down to the BEast will have malignant ulcers and will die in suffering.


Do not believe those who say that stabbings are a sign. Either they do not know the scriptures or they are deceivers.

There are already people dying AGAIN without ulcers and no one has had to bow down to Satan yet. If anyone thinks otherwise - i.e. contrary to Scripture - stop reading my blog and be consistent, not a little here a little there and a bigot in the head.


Back to the music video. The next shot is of the virus controlling the rebels. Does it remind us of anything...

Well, of course it is.



Camps are also shown:


All land is to be connected to the grid:


Everything is supposed to be one big integrated circuit.



I used to be a fan of Metallica like many other bands. The music of this band is incredibly enticing and the instrumental piece Orion stimulates the senses, but remember that Satan while in heaven as Lucifer specialized in music.


The lyrics of this song are not insignificant:


Come to me and you will feel perfection

Come to me and give yourself

Come to me and you will never feel rejection

Come to me and finish this

Remove your heart, it can only bleed

Bleed through delicate skin

Remove your thoughts, they only deceive

Deceptive thoughts will destroy you from the inside out

Disappear as if the man never existed

Long live the machine

The future is great

Man deposed

Spit out that bone

Connect to mee, I guarantee the dedication

Connect with me and give yourself

Connect to me I will save you from your emotions

Connect with me and finish this

Accelerate, a utopian solution

Finally heal the earth from humanity

Excerpt, accelerate evolution

Set the course for the most important plan

Rediscover the earth's inhabitants

Long live the machine

The future is great

Man deposed

Spit out that bone

The body betrays the body

The man had his time

We will lay him in the grave

Machine the new god

Stop breathing and give yourself to me

Stop dreaming and end it for me Everything that matters you will give back to me

All your feelings will end for me

Disappear as if the man never existed Long live the machine The future is great Man overthrown Spit out that bone

Text taken from,metallica,spit_out_the_bone.html


Luciferian Metallica leaves no illusions. Man is to be subverted and connected to the skynet.



The machine is supposed to be the new god. The triangle in the skynet logo says it all, just as in the familiar themes:


  1. Catholic bible

2 - In musicians - Jared Leto.



3. in Roman churches


At concerts in charismatic churches:




Itd etc.... Not to mention car brand logs....



Metallica "sings" - Finally, heal the earth from humanity.

Is not the earth currently being healed from humanity?

People, wake up at last, get out of the churches and come to the living God while there is still time.


The earth is ruled by a clan of satanists. They rule through lies because the people in 90% do not have the Spirit of God within them and cannot discern. Not even the anti-covidians. The good news is that some of the skeptics will be converted when the antichrist appears and the bible talks about it:


" Then I saw a behold, a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, and tribes, and peoples, and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in long white robes, and in their hands were palm trees. (10) And they cried with a mighty voice, saying, Salvation in our God sitting on the throne, and in the Lamb. (11) And all the angels stood around the throne and around the elders and the four creatures and fell down before the throne on their faces and worshiped God, saying: (12) Amen. Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and strength to our God for ever and ever. Amen. (13) And in reply, one of the elders said to me: Who are these who are clothed in long white robes, and whence have they come? (14) And I said unto him, Lord, thou knowest. And he said to me: These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation and have washed their robes and bleached them in the blood of the Lamb.
 App 7.


This is the future that awaits humans. Those who survive the third and fourth and subsequent doses will in time become non-humans.



Satan wants to create his Adam and this new Adam will be a cyborg . We were informed by the unholy Holy VooDoo



Terminator and Robocop are two films among dozens of their prophecies.


Behind all of this are the fallen angels who have their stooges here on earth in the form of the royal families, the illuminati, the Jesuits and the Khazars.

The world is in for digital communism and unfortunately most don't have a clue.


You may not believe me, the Bible, or the prophecies of satanism in movies and music, but you are the one who decides your life. Choose wisely.



14) In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
(Colossians 1:14)"


If you choose to trust God, get on your knees today and be reconciled to God. Apologize for all the sins you remember in the name of Jesus Christ, tell God you are giving your life to him, and nothing will be the same again.


Praise Jesus Christ.



Updated: 20 December 2021 — 21:02

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  1. Luciferians to carry out their plans have 3 main tools: -lower order social engineering (changing the thinking of the masses), -higher order social engineering (creating crises) and -technology...

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