Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jesus came into the world to cast fire on the earth.


The time of so-called Christmas is approaching, during which in most homes it is embarrassing to talk at the table about Jesus and His sacrificial death, which was intended to save us (save us) from eternal damnation.

The Church of Rome made Jesus a constantly tiny baby boy in Mary's arms



Such a notion is promoted by a false, thuggish (Inquisition), pro-vaccine, pro-UN deviant church opposed to God.


Jesus constantly tiny in carol pictures or as a member of the rainbow and still with a Masonic gesture:


Is this depiction of Jesus above ^ is God POWERFUL? Is this what a king looks like?

This is a rogue image demeaning the greatness of Jesus.


Meanwhile, the Bible tells us otherwise:


"For the Child is born to us,
A son has been given to us,
power rested on His shoulders.
He was called by name:
Pre-Seasoned Advisor, Strong God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Great will be His reign
in a room without borders
on David's throne
And over His kingdom,
which He will establish and strengthen
law and justice,
odtąd i na wieki”



This prophecy has been fulfilled. So there is no need to permanently show baby Jesus every year.


Jesus is king and has his heavenly hosts. The army.



Jesus has grown up and he is a powerful God. The Prince of Peace, but not the kind this world gives.


“Pokój zostawiam wam, pokój mój daję wam. Nie tak jak daje świat, Ja wam daję. Niech się nie trwoży serce wasze ani się lęka!” Jana 14.


This is the peace of being reconciled to God, for anyone who has not previously lived the Word of God has lived in a state of rebellion and war with God.

Jesus coming into the world divided people, not united them.


“Ogień przyszedłem rzucić na ziemię i how I wish it was already burning.” Łukasza 12.


An overlooked statement from our King. Yes, I and my Brothers and Sisters are Monarchists. Jesus very much wanted the earth to burn with division. Jesus knew full well the enormity of evil in the world even then, and it is probably even worse now.


Tak i my teraz widząc ogrom zła chcemy, aby sąd się już zaczął. Aby dzieci nie były krzywdzone, aby nie panowało już kłamstwo, aby nikt już nie chorował od “dobrodziejstw” systemu szatana. Żeby już nie było wyzysku ekonomicznego i tyrani medycznej spod znaku węża.




We want judgment on earth to stop the progression of Luciferianism.



Now these divisions do not exist because the pseudo Protestant Evangelical Alliance (Baptists, Pentecostals, etc.) are in ecumenism with Rome.



Little by little, the world will unite to fight against the Law of God. In six months there will be a temple of three religions in Abu Dhabi: Islam, Judaism, and Catholicism, which has all the evangelical religions under it. Even the Adventists.



The Lord Jesus came to create a division because He wanted there to be a visible dividing line between the redeemed, who have been reconciled to God and have been cleansed from their sins and consequently separate themselves from this world, and the unredeemed, who only look at the appearance of religiosity and have the Law of God for nothing.


(49) Fire I have come to cast upon the earth, and how I wish it were already burning. (50) I am to be baptized and how anguished I am until it is completed. (51) Do you think that I have come to give peace to the earth? Not at all, I tell you, rather a split(52) For henceforth five in one house shall be at variance; three with two, and two with three; (53) będą poróżnieni ojciec z synem, a syn z ojcem, matka z córką, a córka z matką, teściowa ze swą synową, a synowa z teściową.” Łukasza.


The Roman holiday Sol Invictus is the perfect time to share.

Ask these children if they know for what purpose Jesus came into the world and for what purpose he died on the cross.



I do not celebrate because they are not holy. Holy means from the Hebrew separated. Separated for God, of course.

You can't be separate from this world and be attached to a godless church that urges stabbing, supports climate change ecoterror.

Możesz być katolikiem i nadal uważać że jest OK, ale nie będziesz uświęcony – oddzielony.


Oto święta – “oddzielenie”.



(5) They are of the world; therefore they speak as the world speaks, and the world listens to them.
(1 John 4:5)


Does the average Catholic know who is of the world and who is not?


“Nie sądźcie, że przyszedłem nieść pokój po ziemi. Nie przyszedłem nieść pokoju, lecz miecz. 35 For I have come to set the son against his father, and a daughter to her mother, and a daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law; 36 For man's enemies are the inhabitants of his house. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever has found his life will lose it; and whoever has lost his life for my sake will find it. 40 He who receives you receives me; and he who receives me receives him who sent me. 41 Kto przyjmuje proroka jako proroka, zapłatę proroka otrzyma; a kto przyjmuje sprawiedliwego jako sprawiedliwego, zapłatę sprawiedliwego otrzyma.” Mateusza 10.


If you are not opposed to your family because of your faith, then you are a dead man. Well, unless the whole family is converted, which is hardly possible.


"Kto miłuje ojca lub matkę bardziej niż mnie, nie jest mnie godzien; i kto miłuje syna lub córkę bardziej niż mnie, nie jest mnie godzien”


How can you love your mother or father or son or daughter more?

This is when the Law of God comes in. That's when the Law of God comes in.


There are many disputes about the Sabbath, but the Sabbath, with all its baggage of blessings such as undisturbed rest, communing with God, has a way of bringing us into holy conflict with the world. For the whole world celebrates Sunday. I recently learned that one of the Arab countries, I don't remember which, changed the chronology of the week by declaring Sunday free from work.


Christmas tree, lights, gifts are nice things, but they pass away, but God's Law is eternal.


16 For all that is in the world, viz:
the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of this life
does not come from the Father, but from the world.
17 But the world is passing away, and with it its lust;
But he who does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2.


Is it God's will to do the same as Biden the Catholic?


Is Tusk a man of God?





Cały świat celebruje, ale pytanie co…



The censoring corporation is also celebrating:


The pentagram on the top of most Christmas trees will take the chief place. This is the MAGIC of Christmas. The occultism of Christmas.


Even anti-systemicists who don't read God's Word will celebrate something they don't know.

The most wicked people on that magical day of December 24 will be able to cleanse themselves without coming to Jesus.


Knowledge of the pinnacles does not save. It is Jesus who saves.

At most, you will not have NOPs and you will not die, but you will die a second death because you are not reconciled to God.

You can believe in UFOs, that the bible came from the Summers, but when you die you will end up where Hitler, Tusk, Stalin, Biden, the Jesuits, the Popes, Bruce Willis and many others famous.



“Ogień przyszedłem rzucić na ziemię i jakżebym pragnął, aby już płonął.” Łukasza 12.


Jesus is merciful because He gave 2,000 years for conversion and not for the dionysia on December 24, but He very much wants the earth to burn because in fire all filth burns out.

De facto the earth at the end will be destroyed by fire.


It's up to you whether you buy yourself some silly trinket and use it to fool yourself that you are a believer.

Dom powinien być schludny, ale udział w nieświętych “świętach” to profanacja i uczestnictwo w systemie szatana.


 “Dionizje wiejskie, obchodzono w Poseidon (in late December or early January), wówczas bowiem nadchodził czas, kiedy młode wino było już wystarczająco dojrzałe, by otwierać pierwsze jego amfory, świętować, organizować zabawy ludowe i procesje taneczne” . wikipedia


Where then is this sword of Jesus and division?


I have a lot of mercy on my fellow Catholics and I know they will wash away in ignorance. I condemn no one for their ignorance and the fact that they have been deceived.

But I love God enough that I am obligated to write about the truth of God's Word, and the choice is up to each of us.


Praise Jesus.




Updated: 17 December 2021 — 10:07

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