Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Another musician features the Wrath of God in his music video. Rapper Juice WRLD and the apocalypse.

As I mention often, we are now living in a time of grace, or the opportunity for conversion. To walk away from sins and come to the spiritual antidote with healing properties that is the Word of God.

Nevertheless, the time of mercy is running out, and this can happen at any time. Yes, God in His mercy will still allow a time of repentance during the Great Tribulation such as has not been seen since the world began. The fate of those who put their hopes in a political reclaiming of the land, in reliance on themselves and not on the Savior, will be miserable.

At the end of the time of grace will come the time of God's wrath, and as I proved to you yesterday with the example of the Microsoft game Omikron, that Freemasonry and Satanists not only know that there is a spiritual world opposed to humans, they still have the audacity to show it to people. In this case in games, but there are many videos that show what the end time of grace will look like.


One such example that is quite fresh is the December 10, 2021 clip from the famous rapper's posthumous album  Juice WRLD Fighting Demons.

Hip Hop like many other music genres is a demonic genre. People who are followers of Hip Hop and call themselves Christians are deceiving themselves and others by building a bridge between the devil and God.

Mamy chrześcijański metal, chrześcijańskie disco polo, chrześcijański hip hop i zapewne chrześcijański punk…

People don't understand what holy means. Holy means from the Hebrew separated. It is not possible to separate and at the same time combine.

Therefore, hip hop fans will have the opportunity to wash their robes during the Great Tribulation and have the opportunity to abandon their idol that will do nothing to help them in the Tribulation.


A track by the now-deceased overdose rapper  received a music video directed by Steve’a Cannona .



The video also shows off new goodies featuring Juice WRLD's signature "999" (inverted 666) Juice WRLD and the lyrics "Lost in the Abyss," referring to his unreleased album and new documentary HBO Max Into the Abyss.


Some of the work of people who have received success from Satan is the voice of despair from hell. It's Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche mixed with the punk rock motto of No Future.


Let's look at some important scenes from this clip:




When Noah closed the ark, millions of tons of water fell from the sky. When Abraham left Sodom and Gomorrah behind with Lot, fire fell from heaven. The flood drowned everything, the fire burned everything.

In our day, fire from heaven will not fall on two cities, but on the whole world.




(10) And the third angel trumpeted; and a great star fell from heaven burning like a torch, and fell on the third part of the rivers and on the fountains of waters.
(Apokalipsa (Objawienie) 8:10)” 



(7) And he sounded the first trumpet. And there arose hail and fire mingled with blood, and were cast upon the earth; and a third of the earth burned up, and a third of the trees burned up, and all the green grass burned up.
(Apokalipsa (Objawienie) 8:7)”





The Bible also informs us of other cataclysms that are manifestations of God's Wrath:


A mighty hail fell from the sky upon the people. Its lumps weighed about a talent. And the people blasphemed God because of this calamity, for it was very great. Rev 16.


Another scene from the music video is very telling. As fire falls from the sky, the rapper looks at the destroyed city wearing a jacket that reads "Lost in the Abyss" (Lost in Hades).

Problem polega na tym, że oni otrzymali sukces na ziemi, swoje 5 minut za oddanie swej duszy szatanowi, ale ludzie podążający za tymi zwodzicielami nie są tego świadomi a wylądują w tym samym miejscu – Otchłani (Abyss) – piekle.



The scene with the fire falling on Holywood mecca of evil, debauchery, demoralization, degeneration shows that they know that the end of their actions is near and they are aware of what will be the target of destruction. What most people don't know about all of this is this.


The picture below shows their faith. They are aware of the condemnation, but want like hooligans to drag others into it.



You, dear reader, can still be saved. There is no third way: you are either with Jesus or against Him.


“„Kto nie jest ze Mną, jest przeciwko Mnie; a kto nie zbiera ze Mną, rozprasza” (Łk 11, 23)”


You decide. Even Bill Gates informs you of this in a game called Omikron. But the choice is yours.


Praise Jesus.



Updated: 14 December 2021 — 08:42

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  1. Alice Bailey pisała, że w roku 2025 na ziemi będą ,,duchowi przewodnicy” w fizycznej formie.

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