Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The police use our money to chase Poles to see if they are breathing in oxygen. We must inhale carbon dioxide.



There was a fight with police at Galeria Twierdza in Zamość.


This situation is clearly the work of the devil and there were two parties involved:


  1. A man and a woman who were actually harassing police officers by swearing in the process.
  2. Policja, która pod naciskiem przełożonych zabiera tlen ich żywicielom – Polakom.


It is a masterpiece not only of Polin, but of devil's men around the world.

The police, maintained with the money of the Polish people, prosecute them for wanting to breathe oxygen instead of carbon dioxide.


Jednakże zachowanie nagrywających film pokazuje średnią zachowań antysystemowców – chcą wolności ale nie od grzechu.

The woman attacked the police officer by pretending that he was the one attacking her. One of the men cursed and the other hit the police officer.

I think there will be more situations like this. Both sides will celebrate the so-called Christmas, which is not really a celebration of the birth of Jesus either historically or spiritually even more so.


The police officer was still explaining to the public that he had to stop the aggressor.

A veritable devil's trap.


All you had to do was refuse the ticket and make the policeman aware of what he was participating in. Calmly.

The same is true in families, among believers.

Instead of attacking the devil and his people, resisting the devil, people attack each other.


I have experienced more than once an attack from Christians on the blog. Or rather, pseudo Christians. They are not fighting the devil. They fight other Christians and are so busy with this fight with other Christians that they stop fighting the devil.


For we have no battle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the world of darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness which is high. Ephesians



The majority of the public are believers, but do not know, and therefore do not believe, that this world is ruled by spiritual powers opposed to Jesus, who have their consuls, who are satanic royalty, bankers, and heads of large corporations who give instructions to politicians, which these puppet politicians impose on society.


Simply standing up as a whole society against these evil people is enough to make the plandemic, terror and animosity disappear.

Unfortunately, in today's reality, this is utopia.


There will be more and more situations like this because people will get nervous. In addition, anti-regime profiles will fuel hatred of the police. A vicious circle.







Updated: 13 December 2021 — 10:00

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