Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Starting in 2022, new smartphones will have a front camera in notorious standby mode.


It is the beast system that is moving forward, not the anti-system, and that is because the anti-system does not know the Law of God and because the shepherds are not warning their sheep. The Great Biblical Tribulation will be a knockout by the beast system. This is because the competitors have not prepared.

Now people are waking up and still like bears or gophers from their winter sleep.


So the next step to surveillance, and at your own request, will be a phone with a permanently enabled front camera.



This week chipmaker Qualcomm revealed its latest processor Snapdragon, which will power many of the advanced Android smartphones you'll see in stores in 2022, including models from Motorola, Sony, OnePlus.

And a new feature built into that chip could allow smartphone makers to keep those front cameras all the time in a kind of low-power mode, waiting and watching for a face to appear.

The idea of a camera that stays on as long as the phone is on seems deeply disturbing, even at a time when people are convinced that smartphones are already eavesdropping on our conversations. So why is the company responsible for building the brains of our smartphones trying to make "always-on" cameras a common feature?


Snapdragon....Interesting name. Dragon.


(9) And the great dragon, the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, deceiving the whole inhabited earth, was cast down to the earth, and with him his angels were cast down.
(Revelation 12:9)


The company's answer as to why such a feature should be permanently enabled is infantile as befits a mindless society:


No, your phone is not listening in on your conversations. Seriously. Ironically, Qualcomm says this move is aimed at making phones not only more convenient, but also more secure.

"The always-on camera gives you one very basic advantage," "The phone's front camera is always safely looking for your face, even if you're not touching it."

said Judd Heape, Qualcomm vice president at the Tech Summit in Hawaii last month.


We are fast approaching a time that will be a combination of fulfilling the script of The Circle and Grey State...






My blog is an alternative to the systemic and anti-systemic but unbiblical new age media.

For about 10 years I have been growing in the knowledge of God's Law and based on this Law I relate reality. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which humanity is already experiencing with "plandia", which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.


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Updated: 7 December 2021 — 12:15

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