Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Dr. Andreas Noack published a presentation on graphene. 4 days after that he died.

Dr. Andreas Noack was a chemist, an expert on graphene technology like nowhere else in Europe. A few months ago he was attacked for ridiculous reasons by special police during a live broadcast.

I showed this stop video on the old channel but it got deleted.



Now, just hours after posting the video below (unfortunately ENG) , the powers that be have decided that it hit the target so hard uncovering their plans that they have decided to remove it.



There is graphene hydroxide in C19 vaccines. These graphene molecules are extremely durable and their dimensions (about 50nm long, 0.1nm thick) make them act like razor blades when injected into human veins and this is the cause of sudden deaths, heart attacks, strokes.


Interestingly, I have not been able to get his film to run on any platform.


Anyone in authority or an expert who threatens the agenda of the Khazarian establishment (a plandemic IS the agenda of the Khazarian establishment), will end up dead or otherwise silenced. This is the Khazarian world we live in .



Below you will find the meaningful quotes by Dr. Noack:


Getting stabbed (expression mine - DP) is like playing Russian roulette. People who die immediately or soon after being inoculated are like victims of Russian roulette. This happens when the graphene oxide immediately hits the blood vessel wall, causing death or collapse immediately after receiving the vaccine.

Doctors performing autopsies on Vax victims won't find anything. These doctors are looking for something biological as the cause of death, but graphene hydroxide is not biological, so it won't show up in their tests.

There are pictures of clotted blood coming out of the nose. People are bleeding out from the inside.

Especially top athletes who die have fast flowing blood. The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do.


As a chemist, if you inject it into your blood, you are a murderer.

The question that needs to be asked of vaccine makers and politicians is WHY ARE THESE BIRDS IN VACCINES? How can they justify their being in vaccines?

And now they want to force children from the age of 5 with this horrible thing!




Those who criticize only Rome but do not talk about the Khazars are highly suspect even if they made no matter what wonderful video.

It is Remfan's star that rules the world.

Gates is also descended from them.



Updated: 29 November 2021 — 21:52

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