Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Has a clock been erected in Warsaw measuring the time to the end of the Great Tribulation?



In the center of Warsaw a huge clock was set up in October. It counts down the time until the climate catastrophe. One month ago it was 7 years and 275 days.


If we assume that the countdown occurred in October, the start of the 7-year period would be ca July 2022.
So there are 9 months left which is the same as pregnancy.


As it happens, the One World Religion temple now under construction in Abu Dhabi is already scheduled to open in 2022.


So a synagogue, a church and a mosque will be built. The inauguration will take place in the year 2022, which will be the beginning of the seven years of the Great Tribulation.



A year ago I described the placement of a clock in Manhattan, USA.
Here I would like to point out that that clock was 7 years and 100 days old.

One year ago.

So what are the takeaways from this discrepancy?

Either something got in their way, or it was actually just a clever marketing stunt to promote environmentalism. Unless that clock only applies to the US.

If so, the great tribulation would have to begin for them around January or late December, and for us in 9 months.


Readers write to me that oppression is already here. If so, what were Poles sent to the Gulags during the Nazi or Stalinist occupations supposed to say?


What could be the potential scenario?


So the great tribulation will be around the 20th of July because they have set a date of 7 years and 200 days. 7 years is a time of great tribulation like never before in the world.


200 days go by like it's July.
Between July 20 and November war may break out. At its end will come the man of peace, who in the Bible is called the man of sin, the son of perdition, and most bluntly the antichrist.
He will come as a man of peace but he will be a bandit above bandits. He will elevate himself above God.

If we are reading the end times correctly, engulfment must occur within about six months.

Next up:


  1. Financial reset, cashless trading
  2. Abolition of nation-states,
  3. NWO Police (UN) ,
  4. One world religion,


Let's also remember the 2030 Agenda, if we subtract 7 years we'll have 2023.


An extension of my analysis in the video:





Updated: 26 November 2021 — 13:29


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  1. Kolory tęgo zegarka też jednoznaczne…
    This is my first post with you, I am a regular reader, converted exactly 5 years ago. Thanks for what you are doing. Praise Jesus!

  2. Hi. First of all I'll write that I tried to add this comment under your video on Youtube , but apparently they don't like me and for the umpteenth time they didn't publish my content .

    Tak jak już pisałem kilka razy , że moim zdaniem ”W” w tym roku nie będzie . Teraz robią sobie teatrzyk dla ludzi i wzbudzają strach ponieważ demony strachem właśnie się karmią . Chyba z pewnością można przyjąć drugą połowę 2022 r za datę przełomową . Objawienie antychrysta 2023 r plus 7 lat wynosi 2030 r kto nie zostanie zabrany i dotrwa do końca zobaczy to wszystko co zostało zapisane w Biblii i ujrzy naszego Zbawiciela Jezusa Chrystusa w pełni Chwały . Niech się stanie !

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