Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Police officer Janusz Plowaś died on NAGLE-21.


I don't know how long this lie scheduleowed demoni will be disseminated, but I am hoping for at least a partial awakening of the public.


I am posting cases of deaths on NAGLE-21 of famous people here, and by the way I wanted to ask you: have you heard about such deaths around you?


I deplore people's aversion to truth and independent thought. I don't know how many more people have to die for the majority to at least connect the dots.


People! Wake up. Wake up!


I will probably remind you of this verse from John's letter more often:



Doctors, priests, pastors, journalists (especially) and all those who influence the masses are involved in this mass lie.


There is an ongoing war between satanists and the rest of society. Surprisingly, tens of thousands of people have been murdered without firing a single bullet.


They pursue what they promised themselves along with the demons:



500 million people is their optimum.

The next step will be war, death camps (vide Songbird).



Updated: 25 November 2021 — 16:33


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  1. Poland 11,000,000 by 2030 these are the findings

  2. Mój Brat zmarł nagle na wylew – przed telewizorem – obok siedziała jego żona. To było dwa dni temu. Był zaszczepiony i na nic nie chorował. Tyle w temacie NAGLE21

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