Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Orban "vaccine opponents will realize that they will either get vaccinated or die. "

I remember when some right-wingers on my blog criticized me when I denounced Orban because I didn't believe in his right-wingness. Now I think the veil is falling from their eyes.



Vaccination of all Hungarian citizens against Covid-19 is inevitable, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said, stating that even the most hardened anti-vaccinationists will eventually face a choice between death from the virus and the injection.

Speaking on Kossuth radio on Friday, the Hungarian leader attacked those reluctant to be vaccinated against coronavirus, calling them a threat "not just for yourself, but for everyone else."

Eventually, everyone will have to be vaccinated; even vaccine opponents will realize that they will either get vaccinated or die. Therefore, I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity.

Państwo członkowskie UE doświadcza obecnie czwartej fali koronawirusa, stwierdził Orban, obwiniając za sytuację tych, którzy nie zostali zaszczepieni. „Gdyby wszyscy byli zaszczepieni, nie byłoby czwartej fali lub byłaby tylko niewielka” – stwierdził premier.”


As you can see Orban is as right-wing as Tusk or Niedzielski.



The cult of Saturn is behind the stabbings.


Orban użył gry słów mówiąc “W końcu wszyscy będą musieli zostać zaszczepieni; nawet przeciwnicy szczepionek zdadzą sobie sprawę, że albo się zaszczepią, albo umrą. “


This can be understood in two ways:

  1. They will die from the virus.
  2. They will die because the government will kill them.


These words spoken so ambiguously sound like a criminal threat.





Updated: 22 November 2021 — 08:18

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