Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Country with 93% vaccination rates imposes lockdown and curfew.

There is no need at all to wait for robotization. People are already like robots. Zero cause-and-effect thinking, and lots of hypnosis.

Getting rid of thinking in favor of the TV has a big cost. Not just on a micro level. A social one, among other things.


Ireland imposes a lockdown and curfew on the population that is vaccinated with 93%.

Ireland is among the top infested countries in the world and also (therefore) an example of the largest wave of infections to date.


Green Island (Tusk's ideal)  will enter a "partial lockdown" phase in November and impose a curfew o North for the population that is vaccinated at 93% ! 


The government is planning a full nationwide lockdown just before Christmas as the country begins its fourth wave of infections and hospitalizations.


With this type of news, I explore the correlation of the oppression of citizens with the demoralization of politicians, and it was in Ireland that a sodomite was prime minister and you can marry a person of the same sex, adopt children with them,  Pregnancies can be terminated up to 12 weeks, and even later if the woman's life and health are in danger or there is a risk of the fetus dying.



For over a year, the Irish government has resorted to totalitarianism and theft, taking people's property and threatening their basic human rights. 

From what I remember the ban on going out was the same as in Israel, i.e. up to 5km max.


The Irish government used blockades and medical police restrictions to force the 93% population to inject spike protein mRNA. This medical experiment failed, and infections, hospitalizations, and deaths increased for a fourth time. The new study shows that effectiveness vaccines dropped from 88 percent against c19 infections to just 13 percent in just a few months.


New restrictions are put in place by ungodly people to segregate and discriminate, and to force more people to do cloture, which clearly damage the immune system and heart function . 


This winter will be very painful for many people in Europe.

The problem is also that even the anti-system declared or people against compulsory stabbing want economic and political and above all medical freedom, but almost no one wants freedom from sin.

This is the crux of the problem, because if it were not for the ungodly lives of the people, these governments would have no right to exist.

We have 0.38% Protestants in Poland, most of which are ecumenical and Covidian churches already.


Dear Grafted Compatriots.

You have been deceived.

First, this is proven by lockdowns for everyone regardless of grafting or lack of a clotting agent. Second, you will need to have booster doses every six months.

Third, you will see the effects of stabbing for yourself.


The world is run by godless people and NO ONE talks about it.

So only the bible is reliable.

The man of sin, the son of perdition, will soon come to be the leader of the one world religion. This man is referred to by Scripture as the antichrist.


Everyone still has time to convert. There will be no more freedom,


I tell you; but if you do not convertyou will all likewise perish.

(Luke 13:3)


Everyone will die, but not everyone will be saved.


9) The Lord does not delay in keeping His promise as some think He does, but is patient with us, for He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 P 3


Now there is still a time of grace, a time of conversion, but that time will soon end just as the pre-plandemic time ended.



Praise Jesus!


Updated: 19 November 2021 — 18:37

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