Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The vials of smallpox were found in a lab where vaccine research is conducted.

Do you remember how I wrote about B. Gates predicting a smallpox epidemic?


What does the smallpox that B. Gates with the Bible?


Now it turns out that fiolks with the word "smallpox" written on them were found at a Merck facility in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, where vaccine research is underway, but according to the Centers for Disease Control it's not clear why the vials were there. Smallpox is caused by a virus that was eliminated from human transmission in the late 1970s after centuries of epidemics around the world.




It is so deadly that only two labs in the world can have doses of the virus: the CDC's main lab in Atlanta and a facility in Russia. The CDC said the frozen vials were "accidentally discovered" by a lab worker.

The discovery took place at the Merck Upper Gwenydd facility in North Wales, about 50 miles northwest of Philadelphia, according to a source with knowledge of the current situation.

 The news first reported the discovery. Merck did not respond to requests for comment Wednesday morning. "Frozen vials labeled 'smallpox' have been accidentally discovered by a lab worker while cleaning the facility's freezer, who conducts vaccine research in Pennsylvania.

CDC, its administrative partners and law enforcement are investigating the matter, and the contents of the vials appear to be intact," a CDC spokeswoman said in a statement to NBC10. "The lab worker who discovered the vials was wearing gloves and a face mask. There is no indication that anyone came into contact with the small number of frozen vials. We will provide further details as they become available."


Wszystko wygląda na to, że kolejnym wirusem jaki filantrop będzie rozsiewał przy pomocy przekupnych rządów jest wirus ospy….

The mRNA product is not enough.

W Polsce mamy ok 53% zadźganych, średnia światowa to 41% a więc trzeba teraz dać 4 i 5 dawkę z ospą ponieważ zbyt wielu ludzi chce żyć, a i trzeba zarabiać na leczeniu….



Jeśli wybuchnie plandemia ospy, to wiadomo komu trzeba będzie podziękować…..


Lastly. A great deal is given by prayers. I was raised partly on Peretti's books and I know how it works. If we pray, for example, for lies to come out at Pfizer, then by chance some secrets come out. The truth blogs pick it up and we save some people.


 And we know that God works all things together for good with those who love God, that is, with those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8.


It's worth praying. Remember this. Just as it is worth fighting with information rather than protest.





Updated: 18 November 2021 — 16:20

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