Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jesus will ONLY come for those who are ready. To others he will say he has not met them.

Thank you for the many likes on Facebook yesterday for my article on "Horizon". I know that many were encouraged by the article, but faith consists not only of a promise but also of growth and self-improvement.


Feeling accountable to God and to you, today I want to shake up at least some of it.

You yourselves know that Scripture says that:

"For many are called, but few are chosen."


However, a word from the parable of the 10 virgins caught my attention today. The word is "readiness".


10) And when they had gone away to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready, entered with him into the wedding festivities; and the door was shut. (11) But then came the other virgins also, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us! (12) And he in reply, said: Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Mt 




What does readiness mean?

Believing in Jesus is not believing in his existence, for as we know from Scripture demons also believe in the existence of Jesus, but they at least tremble.

So what is this readiness?


Readiness is the filling of the Holy Spirit, which has a cost.

It is the abandonment of one's IAM.

Why do you think God allows, or even initiates, wicked people to stand in our way?

That we become merciful, pray for them, and practice forgiveness. This does not mean that we should like them. Evil cannot be liked, but one can show respect and leave vengeance to God by praying for these people.


Another problem is the departure from the world.


"CAdulterers, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? If, therefore, anyone would intend to be a friend of the world, he becomes an enemy of God."


Just as Jesus spoke of shutting the door on virgin unready believers, James speaks to believers per "adulterers."

The imminent Santa Claus, the pagan holiday Sol Invictus (aka Christmas).

Already, many evangelicals have believed the authorities of this world and let themselves be stabbed.


"Cursed is the man who hopes in man, and who sees his strength in the flesh, and turns away his heart from the Lord."


Christianity is shrinking.

By the way, perhaps the greatest failure of believers today is the lack of mercy.


The same James who rebukes others for adultery and the same James who is regarded by some as a Judaist because of his emphasis on works says:


"(13) For judgment without mercy will take place over him who has not shown mercy; and mercy triumphs over judgment."


How can we show love and mercy if not while influencing our emotions?

Rulers cause reflexes of hatred in people, bad emotions are turned on, but Jesus, when he was judged unjustly and sent to his death was silent.

This does not at all mean a ban on preaching the truth. It means that we should pray for our enemies and for anyone who triggers bad emotions in us.

To answer good with evil. No one said we had to be naive.


I am one of those who believe in a rapture before the Tribulation because God's wrath will not fall on the ecclesia of Jesus. Anyway, I don't set my mind on rapture. I am setting my sights on sanctification.


As for now, those who trusted Scripture and not man did not accept the jugular were spared. Saved.


The book of Revelation tells us in chapter 19 about the wedding of the Lamb.


" Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb." Rev. 19.


Here we return to Matthew:


10) And when they had gone away to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready, entered the wedding festivities with him. 


Jesus can come at any time, but if Brother and Sister you are not ready, you do not have a gentle tongue, and you have hatred or anger in you, if you are living the world, if you are not crossing your self, then Jesus will say to you NEVER have we met, I do not know you.

The door will close and the end will come.

Hebrew wedding lasted 7 days.....

Are you ready?


Without sanctification, no one will see the LORD (cf. Heb 12:14).


God will not sanctify your language or your worldly lifestyle of lies, backbiting, malice, destruction of others, envy, idols, etc.



You choose. You decide.

You only have to read the comments on Christian forums to see what the state of Christianity is.

Many people fool themselves, but it's important that we don't fool ourselves, which I wish for you.



Updated: 15 November 2021 — 22:34


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  1. It's hard to be as sanctified as you write. To reach this stage - this state, so to speak - you have to go on a long journey into yourself. Even those who "evangelize" spectacularly are often not fully aware why and for what they do it. Those who are sanctified often do not know or understand themselves fully. One must consciously-i.e., not under the influence of guilt or other emotions-reject evil simply because it is evil. Victory over the flesh does not come just like that, and it is difficult to achieve, especially if you have been soaking in this world all your life. Personally, I hope that before the end there will still be a moment - an opportunity for cleansing - for rejecting evil, and I believe that many will still decide to choose good, that is, to reject evil.

    1. Sure it's hard even for me writing about it. But Jesus knows hearts, knows who is struggling with sin and who is bimboing.
      It was probably the latter that Jesus was talking about.

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