Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


I feel like something is coming to an end and will be clarified in the coming weeks or maybe months....


I'm intensely interested in what's going on, but I have peace of mind.


Recently someone ripped all my videos on rumble. I was reminded of a movie from the sea. If you stand on the beach, you see the sea in front of you, sometimes huge waves, but at the end there is a horizon.
That is where we are to look. Whatever needs to happen, we are to look to Jesus. Just as the end of the Law is Jesus


(4) For the end of the Law is Christ, to declare righteous every believer. Romans 10


Now you're probably thinking what's going to happen tomorrow, what's going to happen next month, what's going to happen next year.

No matter when it ends, if you are in Christ you are an overcomer.

I don't know a single believer who would regret leaving this world. A world of lies, anger, hatred, vindictiveness, mammon, rape, exploitation, lawlessness....


Perhaps this photo below is a fake, or perhaps an over-interpretation, but even without this photo we know that at the end of our lives there is a reward which is Jesus.



The reader not living by faith, but by religion, is probably wondering like Pilate "what is truth", how can Jesus be the prize?


I'm already rushing to explain. I was in Croatia a few years ago. When I first saw Dalmatia, the Adriatic Sea, I began to worship God for these beautiful sights. I knew that he created it, what people admire so much. What millions of Poles admire without knowing the author of these views.


Although I haven't explored the world much myself, I know that there are probably thousands of such places.


Even if you are in the Polish mountains or in Masuria, you will enjoy the view that God created. Every moment captured with a modern camera and the joy that flows from it is Jesus, for He is the creator and source of all goodness.


If you are enjoying your baby's pecker, then your baby was also born by God's grace.


Anything that is an evil obstacle is just proof of the existence of the all-good - Jesus, because Jesus is only good, and everything evil is a product of the devil.

If you are sick or your child, if you are in danger of losing your job then know that one day there will be a world without evil. Jesus will reign in that world. This is the horizon.



Maybe your marriage is failing and maybe there will be an agreement or maybe a divorce, but there is Jesus on the horizon. Evil will only be history.

Look at the horizon.


All good comes from God, so the end of it all is just a gateway to the essence of good which is Jesus.

It's like going from one room to another.


I've met a lot of people through the blog. Many very valuable ones that I am learning from myself. Yes yes, each of us is weak. We differ only in the degree of self-criticism and obedience to God.

However, despite knowing these dedicated people to God, even today I would go to God if He only wanted me to.


So what is crisis, war, or disease? .....


Yes, you have to live in the here and now, take care of your family, your brothers and sisters in Christ, fight spiritually for your friends. That is the meaning of our stay here.


A house is built with wisdom,
and prudence strengthens;
4 reason fills the granaries
all good things, dear.
5 An understanding husband is better than a flinty one,
And the light of the muscular surpasses. Proverbs 24


We are to show by our person not fear but concern for others. We are to be reasonable and rely primarily on God. To ask him what to do. After all, we are still living on earth.


He who knows the Scriptures knows when and how he will act. He will prepare himself for misfortunes.



The whole book of Proverbs is a book about wisdom, or Jesus, because Jesus is wisdom.

Jesus is not a picture or a slogan to cast out demons. Nor is he a set of doctrines.

Jesus is everything.


There will be storms. Such is nature, such is the world until evil is eradicated.

Let me remind you again:



If you have not experienced the sinking and help of the King, it means that you have not yet been melted down like gold...your faith has not yet been tested.


Jesus does not remove storms from our lives. He comes during the storms. That is why many will come to my and my dear Brothers and Sisters of the King in the near future.

This is what I wish for them in Jesus' name. Amen.



Updated: 15 November 2021 — 09:23

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  1. Good text , that's what was missing . There is no need to get excited but to keep your distance. We know what awaits us and we have to endure this time. Our generation is undoubtedly unique because God's plan will be fulfilled in it and what was written centuries ago. If we know at least a little bit about the Scriptures and we know what Jesus gave his life for, we will choose the good paths. There is no denying that times will be difficult and full of sacrifice on our part, but the reward for our faithfulness will be Salvation. God bless and encourage you all. Amen.

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