Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

From the front.

By way of introduction, people who are afraid of war or Christians scorned for writing about when there will be war are asked to leave the blog.

I write the text to realists who take a cool view of the situation at the border.

Anyway, I'll be posting some of the news soon on the new forum I may be installing today for the most loyal readers who I haven't had a disagreement with or have supported me financially.




There is very conflicting information coming out from the potential front lines.


The good one is that

Belarusian airline Belavia has announced that it will not accept on board its planes flying from Turkey citizens of Iraq, Syria and Yemen. In turn, the Iraqi Embassy in Moscow is organizing evacuation flights for its citizens.


But I'm afraid this is a common fabrication, because we know from other sources that the refugees got their weapons from Belarus and were trained to the extent that they weren't already trained at home and to the extent that they don't have weapons from Biden of Afghanistan. Whereas

“pojawiły się zdjęcia from the exercise of airborne troops of Belarus and Russia near the border with Lithuania. Today, Russia's defense ministry confirmed that such exercises also took place near the Polish border – białoruscy i rosyjscy spadochroniarze zostali zrzuceni na poligon Gożski w obwodzie grodnieńskim.

 Desantowanie rosyjskich i białoruskich spadochroniarzy w pobliżu granicy z Polską potwierdziło Ministerstwo Obrony Federacji Rosyjskiej. Stwierdziło ono, że był to “niezapowiadany sprawdzian gotowości bojowej jednostek powietrznodesantowych”



Now conspiracy type information not confirmed:



Take it at a distance. Among other things, I publish it so that no one will send it to me anymore.

Maybe it's true and maybe not, but it gives food for thought.

Let me remind you that according to the map of the Club of Rome, Poland is supposed to be in Russia's sphere of influence:



I'm not saying it's a sure thing, but it's worth keeping in mind. Nothing will surprise me anymore. They deceived us in 1939 (League of Nations), then in Yalta and now they can deceive the rest of Polishness.


Is the issue serious?

Bloomberg news agency reported that according to U.S. intelligence, Russia may be preparing to invade Ukraine.


Trwa także wojna informacyjna i psychologiczna. Robione są zdjęcia dzieciom nachodźców po czym pupil Putina Łukaszenka powiada, że “Mówiąc o działaniach polskiego wojska, Polish army "behaves like fascists, Gestapo", nie dając wody dzieciom migrantów.”:


The Gestapo would have executed these people immediately. Lukashenko is a liar. Probably a Khazar.


Grigory Azaronak, a Belarusian propagandist and friend of Alexander Lukashenko, hurled threats against Poland on the air of the governmental CTV station.


"Didn't 1939 teach you anything? You don't stand a chance Pshki! If the tears of children do not speak to you, the Tu-22M3 bombers of the air and space forces of the Russian Federation will. You can throw away your NATO junk now. Run away!"




What we are seeing now is only escalation. I have been talking and writing about war for two years.

Unfortunately several videos have been removed along with the removal of 2 channels.

In one of them I talked about how there was going to be a patriotic war time game in the supplemental reading in elementary school this school year.


Przypominam także song dla…dzieci “Warszawskie Dzieci Pójdziemy w Bój”



Czy jest groźnie. Co trzeba robić? Niech każdy sam oceni. Nie chce być później przez “chrześcijańskich” hejterów atakowany.




Updated: 12 November 2021 — 13:38

1 Comment

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  1. I managed to log in here again because I keep having problems with this Wordpess. Hello Detective, I think the best way after all is to trust in our Lord Jesus the Deliverer, whatever happens. I know it is easy to say but try as much as possible He will help. I live abroad now and I don't really know what is going on there. May the Merciful and Just God take care of this situation, Today we read Psalm 2 I think it is perfect for what is happening there. Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. And I would like to ask about this forum what is it about and will it be possible to go there? Blessings again and strength to you and your family 🙂 .

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