Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer scientist: "We are approaching phase 5. Why war? Kow-Communism.

In point 5 of the following text, there is a real purpose for the creation of the war conflict and confusion not only around our border, but also the conflict in Taiwan, etc.



Some of you may remember the phases of the introduction of kow-tow communism.

Everything is according to the scenario and every quarter or so I reminded about it, but we people of the distraction era remember only what was recent. That's why elections are every four years, because no one after 3 years or even two years remembers not only the failures of governments, but also the programlessness of the opposition.


So first of all I would like to remind you of the text that I placed probably as the first in the Polish Internet:


Phases of introduction of COWI-COMMUNISM by 2021.

People think that will be the end of it, but we are only at the halfway point.

The worst is ahead.



Now according to a former Pfizer employee, I want to show that we are at the threshold of phase 5 (to authors of other sites: please do not copy-edit myself):


Faza 1: Symuluj zagrożenie i wywołaj strach. (grudzień 2019 – marzec 2020)

Organize a plandemic.


– Zabij dziesiątki tysięcy starszych ludzi.

– Rosnąca liczba przypadków i zgonów – Od samego początku stabbing was the only solution.

– Skup całą uwagę na Covid-19.

The result, (almost) general panic.



Faza 2: Zasiej kąkol i dokonaj podziałów. (marzec 2020 – grudzień 2020)


 Introduce a range of unnecessary, liberty-threatening and unconstitutional coercive measures.


– Paraliżować handel i biznes.

– Obserwuj uległość większości i opór zbuntowanej mniejszości.

– Stygmatyzuj buntowników i stwórz poziomy podział.

– Cenzura przywódców dysydenckich.

– Ukarać nieposłuszeństwo.

– Uogólnienie testów PCR.

– Stwarzaj zamieszanie między przypadkami, zarażonymi, chorymi, hospitalizowanymi i zmarłymi.

– Zdyskwalifikować wszystkie skuteczne zabiegi.

– Dać nadzieję na dźgankę ratunkową.

The result, (almost) general panic.




Faza 3: Przynieś zdradzieckie i śmiertelne rozwiązanie. (grudzień 2020 – czerwiec 2021)


– Zaproponuj darmową dżgankę dla każdego.

– Obietnica ochrony i recovery.

– Ustal cel dźgań stada.

– Symuluj częściowe ożywienie gospodarcze.

– Ukryj statystyki dotyczące skutków ubocznych i zgonów z powodu zastrzyków.

– Zgłoś skutki uboczne zastrzyków jako „naturalne” skutki wirusa i choroby.

– Odtworzyć ideę wariantu jako naturalnej mutacji wirusa.

– Uzasadnić utrzymanie środków przymusu poprzez niestosowanie progu odporności stada.

– Ukarać pracowników służby zdrowia za nielegalną opiekę i leczenie.

The result, the doubt and sense of betrayal among the stabbed, the revulsion among the accused.



Faza 4: Instalacja kodu apartheidu – kod QR. (czerwiec 2021 – październik 2021)


– Zaplanuj niedobór dobrowolnie.

– Wprowadź paszport dźganiowy(kod QR), aby nagrodzić zadżganych i ukarać odpornych.

– Stwórz apartheid uprzywilejowany w stosunku do innych.

– Odebrać prawo do pracy lub nauki osobom, które nie są zadźgane.

– Wyłącz podstawowe usługi dla osób, które nie są zadźgane.

– Wprowadzenie testów płatności PCR dla posiadaczy niezadźganych.

The result, the first phase of digital control, impoverishing the other party.



Phase 5: Introduction of chaos and martial law. (November 2021 - March 2022)


– Wykorzystaj niedobór towarów i żywności.

- Cause the real economy to paralyze and factories and stores to close.

- Let unemployment explode.

- Give the third dose of stab .

- Get busy murdering the living elderly.

- Mandatory stabbing for all.

- Increase variant myth, stab effectiveness, and herd resilience.

- Demonstrate stabbing opponents and blame them for their deaths.

- Arrest opposition leaders.

- Enter digital identity for all (QR code): birth certificate, ID, passport, driver's license, health insurance card...

- Imposition of martial lawto defeat the opposition.

The result, the second stage of digital control. Trap or eliminate your opponents.



Faza 6: Umorzenie długów i dematerializacja pieniądza. (marzec 2022 – wrzesień 2022).



– Rozpocząć załamanie gospodarcze, finansowe i giełdowe, bankructwo banków.

– Ratować banki przed stratami na rachunkach ich klientów.

– Aktywuj “Wielki reset”.

– Zdematerializuj pieniądze.

– Anuluj długi i pożyczki.

– Promowanie portfolio cyfrowego. (portfel cyfrowy)

– Zajmuj nieruchomości i grunty.

– Potwierdź obowiązek dźgań półrocznych lub rocznych.

– Wprowadzenie racji żywnościowych i żywności na podstawie Codex Alimentarius.

– Rozszerzenie środków na gospodarki wschodzące.


People living without God think that somehow they will protect themselves, that they will make provisions, etc. But this plan leaves no illusions: there will be confiscation of everything including real estate.

If people don't wake up, it's going to be very very very bad.

Either way it will be bad, but as I keep saying the degree of intensity will vary from country to country.

Sam fakt, że część planu z października 2020 została przesunięta w czasie świadczy o tym, że warto walczyć informacyjnie i … modlitwą: o Polskę, o rząd, sąsiadów, szkoły, policję, wojsko itd.



Mankind is unable to recognize evil and separate itself from it, and so the government of evil will come. A government of satanists.

Then they will all find out what the pursuit of money, the cult of success, the authority of television, etc., is.

Those 50% not stabbed and maybe a handful of those stabbed will see it.


Even a significant number of my readers don't give a damn about God, they come in for the information and my commentary. But God will not be made fun of.


“Nie błądźcie, Bóg się nie da z siebie naśmiewać; albowiem co człowiek sieje, to i żąć będzie.” Galacjan 6


Mankind has departed from God. If it had not departed it would have had the blessing and rule of the Law.

Poles don't even know, like other countries, that they are under occupation.


God is the most abandoned person in the world, and Scripture speaks of this repeatedly.


(20) Then the Spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest. He stood up before the people and said to them: Thus says God: Why do you transgress the commandments of the LORD so that you have no success? Because you have forsaken the Lord, therefore He has forsaken you.
(2 Chronicles 24:20)

Unfortunately, the responsibility is collective, but the one who comes to Jesus the Savior will be emotionally carried through it just as one is carried through a fire. Just as one is carried through a storm:



Ty wybierasz…


No protests will be allowed during martial law, so those hoping for an awakening and rebellion may be disappointed.


Here is the real purpose of the theatrical confusion around refugees and Russia.

God forbid that this Pfizer employee, who by the way I don't trust, is wrong, but everything has been working out for a year, step by step they are following their plan, methodically.





Updated: 10 November 2021 — 08:39

1 Comment

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  1. Sitting on the throne
    and the Lamb's blessing
    and honor and glory,
    And power for ever and ever.
    Make it happen.
    Thank you Dear Brother for your work,
    For how committed you are to Biblical truth.
    Today you can see how far people have strayed from the Almighty, as long as they were with Him .
    Christ said :
    Isaiah prophesied well about you,
    hypocrites, as it is written:
    This people worship me with their lips,
    but their heart is far from me.
    Mark 7:6

    Whatever is to happen , we are to be ready for
    the coming of our Savior Yeshua
    Christ, be alert , do not sleep,
    Do not be afraid, remain in prayer for all of us, because that day will come like a thief, it will come like labor pains. God the Father Almighty protect us all, wake up the sleeping ones.
    I love you Brother with the love of Christ.
    Warm regards.

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