Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Palestinian president came to Bergolio for guidance in a private audience.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas held a private audience with Pope Francis on Thursday and met with top Vatican officials who stressed the importance of resuming peace talks with Israel.


The Bible once again shows its credibility:


“Chodź, pokażę ci sąd nad wielką nierządnicą, która siedzi nad wieloma wodami; (2) Z którą nierząd uprawiali królowie ziemi, a mieszkańcy ziemi upili się winem jej nierządu.” Ap 17.


Abbas, who has met with the pope several times, held talks with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and de facto Foreign Minister Paul Gallagher during his trip to Rome, which also included a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi.


The Vatican later said: "it was stressed that it is absolutely necessary to reactivate direct dialogue in order to reach a two-state solution, also with the help of more energetic efforts on the part of the international community." According to CNA, "during cordial talks at the Secretariat of State [...] the need to promote human fraternity and peaceful coexistence of various religionsń," the Vatican statement read .


This is why there are representations of three religions in the Jerusalem area, so that in the future the now imminent one will be merged into one.

However, God has nothing to do with any of these religions: neither Catholicism and Protestantism, nor Orthodoxy, let alone Islam.


According to the Vatican, the Secretariat of State reiterated that Jerusalem should be considered "a place of encounter, not of conflict" and that its status as a "Holy City" should be preserved for all three Abrahamic religions". "Finally, attention was drawn to the urgent need to work for peace, Avoiding the use of weapons and combating all forms of extremism and fundamentalism" the Vatican statement read.


Wszak do form ekstremizmu i fundamentalizmu można zaliczyć dokładnie biblijne chrześcijaństwo bo jak to ktoś określił niedawno zbyt dosłownie interpretuje się biblię…..

So the fact is, we take God's Word literally, and for now it's not punishable yet, but it looks like it will soon be punishable and we will be left to hide in home groups.



When Jesuit Bergolio was elected Pope on 13/03/2013 at 8:13 pm, I knew he would be an exceptional servant of the devil and this is no different.


Pope Francis gave Mr. Abbas a bronze plaque with two hands in a friendly embrace. In the background you can see the colonnade of St. Peter's Square, a woman with a baby, a boat for migrants, and the inscription (in Italian) "Let's fill our hands with other hands" at the bottom of the plaque.


The Islamist propaganda continues. I don't know how they will handle it with our border, I'm betting on war, but it could also be that they will change the government and just let the Islamists in here without war....

Tusk is already urging rebellion against the government.






Updated: 5 November 2021 — 18:02

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