Określenie “siostra” wśród wierzących nie dotyczy kobiet, które poszły do zakonu, ale każdej kobiety wierzącej w Słowo Jezusa i nie ma to nic wspólnego z zakonem.
The Church of Rome has distorted many meanings.
for wikipedia.
This person with a quasi-masonic logo on his shirt said recently in response to morbidity statistics:
“”»Dziękujemy« każdemu, kto uważa, że maseczki to szmaty, które go uduszą, szczepienia to wymysł szatana, zachowanie dystansu to ograniczenie wolności, a dezynfekcja rąk uszkadza skórę” ”
Systemic nun and systemic onet.co.uk.
It is the lack of masks, vaccinations, distance and washing hands. Such putty can be pressed but to people who recognize the authority of Rome.
I wonder, by the way, if the Catholic realu24 will mention the statement of this nun?
Maybe the Sovereign will do it?
We'll wait and see.
Many anti-system doctors were saying as far back as 10 months ago that the stabbed would spread viruses among the unstabbed, and it's happening.
No ale przybliżmy “Boży” charakter zakonnicy.
In an article from SuperExpress, Chmielewska said this:
“Gdy siostra spotkała Jerzego Owsiaka, szefa Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy, opowiedziała mu o kłopocie i braku pampersów. Jak wspomniała jego reakcja była natychmiastowa: – During one of the meetings with Jurek Owsiak I told him about it. He thought for a moment and asked: “K**wa, to wy nie macie pampersów?!”. Po jakimś czasie przyjechał do nas tir, wypełniony pampersami. This is how goodness is born - skwitowała zakonnica.”
Is this how goodness is born? By cursing?
Rydzyk also operates with the money of others and can be considered to be doing good.
The state gives 500plus and similarly can be considered to be doing good.
Soon there will be a guaranteed income, but for the stabbed and you will also be able to say that this regime is doing good.
The nun appears in the systemic media itself, so her words have as much authority in them as those of Tusk.
Chmielewska performed together with the famous Father Boniecki. Father Boniecki is a member of the Committee for the Support of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews Polin in Warsaw.
Anyone who supports Catholicism is guilty of plandemi.