Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Woe betide Doda for making things worse. This time she brings people into the metaverse.


Doda, or Dorota Rabczewska, is doing a great job of scorning the young and probably the old. However, the Bible, and specifically the words of Jesus, leave no illusions as to what will happen to such people:



"Woe to the world because of the Rapture. For the offenses must come; but woe to that man by whom the offenses come." Matthew 18



I was once for journalistic purposes at a Dody concert about 10-12 years ago. I remember a lot of young people.

Dorota Rabczewska seems to aspire to be a Polish version of Lady Gaga.

One of her PR elements is frivolity and nudity.

God created man to reproduce and did not make intercourse a religious act, but a pleasure. However, nudity should be reserved for the husband. As far as I'm concerned, Doda can walk around the house naked or half-naked and it is her and her husband's business.


However, the emanation of sexuality commonly called sex is a flattening of feelings between two people and reducing love to carnality. such values are promoted by the singer.

Just as corporations that manufacture condoms reduce love to sex:



Doda is obviously an unbeliever in God and disobedient to Jesus because Scripture says:


"(9) Likewise, let women adorn themselves with decent clothing, with shame and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothes; (10) But with good works, as befits women who consider themselves godly. " 1 Tim 2.10


So woe to Doda for what she is doing - for making things worse.

The EIB Bible translates this verse differently:


"Woe to the world because of scandals! They cannot be avoided, but woe to the man who causes them."


Dorota Rabczewska is by all means a scandalist, but the true meaning of the word used as scandal from the Greek translates as trap or trap.

She and many others from Satan's world are vocal in setting traps for the souls of men.


Dorothy is an intelligent person, so maybe let's pray for her and more than once, especially as she will promote more spiritual traps. Let us pray for her conversion and salvation.


Satan's system/world sets in motion another trap for humanity.

As we know Facebook has changed its name to META from Metaverse technology.


And Doda, with the "help of Wolfstudios films scanned her body and divided it into 400 parts. What's the point of all this?

It turned out that everyone could buy a piece of Doda, for a suitable fee, of course! Via her Instagram, the star highlighted that she was the first celebrity to decide to sell her digital version.

At the very beginning, 30 pieces of "ody's body" went on sale. Each cost over $200.



Digital photos of half-naked Doda will not be posted, just so as not to offend others.


What she is doing is an introduction to augmented reality, or the Metaverse. She becomes an influencer of the antichrist system.



So let us pray that the good Lord will stop Doda from doing what she is doing.





Read more at,nId,5613120?fbclid=IwAR37-A5llamR7MTdX67JDJnb_OCTmwNg0UHcu4vYcz3pRwSGK7JseYA50T0#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome




Updated: 1 November 2021 — 15:41

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