Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"Who owns the world? The Monopoly of a Few Companies." A film that will awaken many.



The film is being hailed as the first movie to awaken humanity since the film The Zeitgeist. While the former mixed truth with lies, the film "Monopoly. Who Rules the World" presents the facts themselves.

Although The Zeitgeist was a mixture of truth and untruth it influenced MY awakening, after which I followed the path laid out by God's Word.


For some, it will only reinforce the idea that a clique of 1% people rule all the rest, but for others - and it is for them that I decided to have this film translated - it will be groundbreaking material in their perception of the world of politics, economics and religion.


The video presents only FACTS that you can verify for yourself.

Click on the photo below to go to the video:


Distribute this video as the author announced at the end.



Let the motto for this video be this following quote from the Bible:

"We know that we are of God, and the whole world is plunged into Evil." 1 John 5:19

The Bible has never been as reliable as it is today.

"'But you, Daniel, close these words and seal the book until the end time! Many will study it and knowledge will increase." Dan 12:4 "

What is happening in the world was foretold 2000 years ago.

"And he causes all: small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive a mark on the right hand or on the forehead (17) and that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark - the name of the Beast or the number of his name. (18) Wisdom is [needed] here. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast: for the number of the man And the number of him: six hundred and sixty-six."

Wake up and come out of Satan's Matrix. The world is ruled by godless people making false divisions but they have everything under the counter. These include wars, economic exploitation, falsification of history, the corporate medical industry, etc.



I do not know who is behind this group and what will happen in the next episodes, so please be careful. Perhaps the next videos will be a mixture of truth and lies, especially since at the end of this video the author indicates ambiguously that we need to unite to reclaim the land.

In my opinion and based on the Bible it is unrealistic to take back the earth by our own actions. They have police, offices, banks, mafias, gangs, etc.

Besides, prophecies must be fulfilled.

Of course we should join controllingly with any group exposing the lies of Satan's system. But as biblical Christians we are first and foremost to preach the Good News, or in today's language the GOOD NEWS, which is that only Jesus Christ can set us free from this earthly prison. There is no other option.

Only God's Word warned of these times.


The current people claiming to be Judeans obviously are not, and this is indicated by the fact that they are not carrying out the law contained in the Torah.

The nation that rules this world with the Rotchlids at its head is the Khazars.


"You have the devil for a father and want to fulfill your father's desires. From the beginning he has been a murderer and in truth he has not persevered, for the truth is not in him. When he speaks a lie, from himself he speaks, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44


This verse explains why the whole world lies. They are the children of the lie. The others are the bribed people of the system also according to the information in God's Word:



This meme is the essence of the entire movie, which you have either already watched or will watch.


How can you fight back? First of all with information exposing the lies. Secondly by moving away from buying branded items.

It is known that all car concerns are theirs and we have to move them, it is known that sometimes we have to buy good quality clothes, but we do not have to shop for vegetables and fruits in markets. We can in the bazaars. We can support PLANdemi friendly small grocery stores that don't make problems with the famous "rags".


The world is not as it is presented to us. All media belongs to them. Including the religions. 100% of Protestantism is in their hands just like Catholicism.


Paradox. When I announced that I would be releasing an important new video I heard back from double-hearted people who watch, for example, Pastor Cyrikas, who supported pushing for refugees and in one of his videos said that you can accept the mark of the beast and be saved....

The same pastor who cursed me in the film has a disciple, some of whom watches my videos on Fejsa, and he himself reads my texts. In this way, it is impossible to separate ourselves from this world. We must learn to discern and separate.


Catholics need to walk away from a church that calls for stabbing and a climate tax, and Protestants need to walk away from their ecumenical denominations (some have only seemingly walked away). Only small Bible study groups without pastors have a point.



"4) And the Woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, all adorned with gold, precious stone and pearls, and had in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filth of her ungodliness. (5) And on her forehead written a name - a mystery: "Great Babylon. The mother of harlots and abominations of the earth." Rev 17


The Church of Rome is the mother of fornication, or all religions:



Pope of the House of Katz kissing the Koran:



We also need to abandon the pipe dreams about vibrations, auras, tarot, the power of the stone, the tree or the new age. New Age will be the new religion.

A religion of demons.

New Age supported Qanon until it came to light how deceptive this organization is. When I was the first in Poland to make a video about Qanon, dozens or maybe hundreds of comments under my video about Qanon contained nothing but heckling and only two from what I remember arguments worthy of a healthy discussion.


We can change the world by changing ourselves and our value system to a biblical value system. Overcome evil with good.


Please pray for me and the makers of this film.





My blog is an alternative to the systemic and anti-systemic but unbiblical new age media.


For about 10 years I have been growing in the knowledge of God's Law and based on this Law I relate reality. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which humanity is already experiencing with "plandia", which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.


If you'd like to support me in what I do, I'm providing wire transfer details:

Recipient: Peter

In the title: "selfless donation for admin of"

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Thank you sincerely'



Updated: 22 October 2021 — 11:56


Add a Comment
  1. Do you think they will be able to achieve their 2030 plan in full?

  2. Are there any more interesting videos of this person?

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