Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Freemasons' plan for the coming years.

A reader sent me a text that is on the conjecture of a conversation with a Freemason, i.e. someone initiated. Even if it is made up, it makes sense and I will comment on it at the end.




I don't know how true this conversation is or if it even took place, but I'm throwing it in because it sounds interesting.
Rich elite reveal endgame of Covid-19 pandemic

This plan is underway and it is the most complex global chain of events ever set in motion. "The Elite" confided in me that what you are about to read about the Covid endgame will make everything crystal clear. I won't tell you who or why. Let's just say that I spent a few days with this person and that she has a vacation home in New Zealand. This is the first time I've "spent time" with a known high net worth (billions) person. I am posting the information now after processing this. He was honest and open with me, but said that if I mentioned these things, "we've never met". He laughed and said no one would believe it anyway, so "have fun" just keep my identity out of it. He said I had nothing to worry about, so despite what he told me, he concluded that I should consider myself one of the luckiest people alive right now in New Zealand. He asked me if I had taken the vaccine , he was relieved when I said no. He told me that some people get the placebo because someone has to run things 'for them' here. At first I asked what he thought was the 'end game' on this whole covid-19 thing. He asked me what I thought about it, with great interest, but I was completely at a loss as to what to answer. He started talking to me like this: - The plan was developed many years ago and for many years it was just a plan. They had to wait many years for the available technology that would make the plan viable. And to recruit the right people. - This is deciding the new global government that is being put in place (details to follow) - This new global government is already in place, operating for years in complete secrecy, waiting on the sidelines, moving the chess pieces. - The new government required some of the best minds on the planet, almost all of whom came on board of their own accord and with full faith in the cause of the new world government. In their mind they are a brute force saving humanity at all costs. He told me that those who refused were dealt with, but in most cases they brought the person to a wider group and through discussion they were persuaded and committed to the cause. In most cases these "minds" would apply for a fake job and undergo psychological testing etc as a first step. - This plan is underway and is the most complex global chain of events ever set in motion. The PLAN is to turn every citizen of every country against their own government. The way they are doing it is pure genius and pure evil. To implement this plan, my interviewer asked me how would I do it? would you turn every citizen of every country against their own government? I really have no idea I replied. So he laid out the basics for me. - There has to be a global disease. - There must be mass fear, panic and paranoia. - Leaders, scientists and the media must come to a consensus on a treatment. - This treatment will be given to them without them even realizing it. - Initially there may be only a few "sanctioned" treatments, all others must be considered "dangerous and forbidden". - Leaders, Scientists and Media are manipulated to believe that this 'treatment' is the only option, the only way to keep you and your family safe. - Leaders, Scientists and Media are in a sense giving you their word that this treatment is safe and effective. - Children are also targeted for maximum pain and anger when this begins. This part of the conversation was interesting to me. Our leaders, scientists and media are NOT complicit in this plan or part of it in any way. None of them, not even the Fauci. They are just tools for these elites, they serve a purpose, and then they will be "abandoned" or "fed to the dogs"! Scientists and doctors who question 'vaccine treatments' are discredited in various ways and censored. - Sanctioned 'treatments' are biological poisons that take 2-3 years to be fully active and realized. - mRNA is the advanced technology they have been waiting for. - Public announcements sowing fear ensure that people are begging for the "treatment" and lining up to get it. It's safe to say that at this point the plan is well underway and so far it's been very successful. The uptake of mRNA "vaccines" by the masses has been tremendous and at least half of humanity believes that "treatment" is the only way back to normalcy. He told me that it has exceeded their wildest expectations! WHAT COMES NEXT? This is where the ultimate plan comes into play. He told me that over time the vaccine will increase infections and increase human mortality. That billions will die and people will be angry and burn their governments to the ground. Their leaders, academics and media will be burned and also hunted down and hanged in the streets. Both sides will burn their governments to the ground. The pro-vax side, completely betrayed and dying will be furious... the anti-vax side will be furious for what their governments have allowed to happen. I have also been told that when this happens, to think for a moment about "Mad Max" or , "Elysium". Once the masses are free of their governments and all those who have "betrayed" them, by which they have suffered enough - that is when the new world government will emerge as the great savior. I was told, , "It will be an easy sell. Finally, he said he liked me and wanted me around when the dust settled, that I was very useful to him. I don't know, some of the people I told about it just think he was messing with me. Today I know and feel better about the fact that I am here, where I am, and I do not want to change it.




For me, it doesn't really matter if the situation happened in real life or not. I took this development into consideration a long time ago.

Perhaps Qanon plus people in Poland like NTV, Jablonowski and others will be able to do justice and the cheated people will take to the streets to actually kill politicians.

You have to be prepared for the option that some systemic HERO will show up.

Braun powiedział “będziesz pan wisiał” do Niedzielskiego.


People who do not have God in their hearts when faced with the truth coming out may indeed begin to take revenge.


However, this version of the Freemasons' plan has its weaknesses.

Po pierwsze nie po to dźgają ludzi przygotowując ich na połączenie z AI aby doszło do rewolucji. Być może ma to dać nadzieje nigdy się nie kończącą nawet jak spadnie gniew Boży na ziemie i zaczną spadać meteoryty…

On false hope operate all kinds of anti-system parties and personalities feeding their listeners with change for the better not through obedience to God's Word but through their cleverness.



Po drugie ma być światowy pokój i owszem zaprowadzony być może po rewolucji, ale kłania się film “Człowiek Demolka”. Oni przedstawili tam swój plan.

Well, the so-called Resistance still existed in this film. So if the current anti-system were to take over, who would be in the resistance during peace? Unless that resistance movement is now the anti-system, but peace is not.


Let's watch events and not get screwed in anything. An interesting version though it stinks of Qanon.


Only Jesus will save us from what is here but for now people have to suffer because of YOUR CHOICES .

This evil is the consequence of walking away from God.





Updated: 8 October 2021 — 12:43

1 Comment

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  1. Very interestingly presented. I was wondering how they could do it so that people themselves would want a world government. It kind of makes sense that two groups would come together and overthrow the local governments.
    QAnonists would also be happy to have Trump at the head of such a government. The resistance movement would be Christians who take no sides and have not been fooled by New Ageists, Qanons, or viral fears.
    The prophecies would also be fulfilled which say that Christians will be persecuted.
    PS. As much as I like Dr. French, his lectures are completely against God and the Bible beliefs. Although they contain a lot of relevant and somewhat true information. The more we discover about the history of our world, the more contradictory information there is about God, the Bible, etc. In my opinion, all of this is so that we can have a lot of doubt and walk away from God completely. We are given part of the truth but not all of it.

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