Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Even Playboy is pathologizing: the October cover features a man wearing women's underwear and stilettos....

Playboy was already distorting the beauty of the female body because a significant portion of the women earning spreads in this magazine for men were Photoshopped.


On the other hand, God created a woman with shapes attractive to a man that do not at all resemble someone from the work of the demonized Picasso the creator of Cubism.

Besides, Picasso was of Cahzar origin:


“Picasso wykazywał głęboką wrażliwość na Holokaust i na naród żydowski. 25 sierpnia 1948 r. po raz pierwszy wsiadł do samolotu i poleciał do Polski, gdzie był głęboko poruszony pustkowiem, jakim było warszawskie getto. Usłyszawszy wątpliwe uwagi na temat „kwestii żydowskiej” od polskiego urzędnika miejskiego, który beztrosko radził, że „Polska składa się nie tylko z Żydów”, gorąco odpowiedział: „Kiedy ktoś mnie pytał, zawsze odpowiadałem, że jestem Żydowski. A moje malarstwo to malarstwo żydowskie, prawda?”


I don't have a clue, or an idea of any other color how sodden Playboy has become in recent years, but it seems to me that what has happened is precedent.


Well, gay Filipino social media influencer Bretman Rock, 23, is at the center of Playboy's 2021 issue. The 2020 men's lifestyle magazine featured singer-songwriter Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio on its cover, making him the first-ever male cover star alongside the magazine empire's founder, the late Hugh Hefner.


Rock is gay, according to Pink News, and told the magazine:

"For Playboy to have a man on the cover is a big deal for the LGBT community, for my brown community and it's all so surreal. Overall, the "Is this even happening now?" kind of vibe. And I'm so pretty.



Gwiazda mediów społecznościowych był laureatem wielu nagród, w tym nagrody People’s Choice za „Beauty Influencer” oraz nagrody za „Breakthrough Social Star” podczas MTV Movie and TV Awards w 2021 roku. Według Yahoo! News, 23-letni influencer zyskał rozgłos w YouTube i Vine dzięki swoim treściom o urodzie i makijażu.


There's no fooling around, a being created from Adam's rib has shapes that Adamites find alluring and attractive. If it were otherwise, men would pay no attention to women. The beauty of the female body is mentioned in the Song of Songs.



For many years Playboy, in spite of promoting soft eroticism, has reduced the relationship between a man and a woman to the body alone. The soul was outside Playboy's sphere of interest.


Anyway, nudity is for two people: man and woman, not for show as Playboy did. Nudity is the fruit of intimacy between two people. Close relations in marriage.

Now Playboy has set its sights on a total turnaround. It's going the way of Sodom.

This is not demoralization even. It is the spoiling of society.

Just like food spoils. Rot.




Oto prawda o Chazarii i Edomitach – potomkach Sodomitów czyli Kananejczyków.

I may recall a scene from that time:


1) Toward evening two angels came to Sodom, and Lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he arose to go out to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, (2) and said: Please, my lords, go up to your servant's house and spend the night. Wash your feet, and ye shall rise early in the morning, and ye may go your way. And they answered, No, we will sleep outside. (3) But he was very insistent upon them; so they went up to him and entered into his house. And he made them a feast, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. (4) Before they lay down, the townspeople, The men of Sodom, from the youngest to the oldest, surrounded the house, all the people from the uttermost parts, (5) They called Lot and said to him: Where are the men who came to you this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may make war with them.(6) Then Lot went out to them to the gate, closed the door behind him. (7) And he said: My brothers, please do no harm! (8) Behold, I have two daughters who have not yet come to know a man; I will bring them out to you, and you do with them as you please, but do nothing to these husbands, for they have come under the shadow of my thatch. (9) But they said, Go away! And they said, One only came here as a stranger, and now he wants to be a judge. We will do worse to you than to them. Then they pressed very hard against this husband, against Lot, and came up to break down the door. (10) But the men put forth their hands, and dragged Lot into the house, and shut the door, (11) and the men who were at the door of the house, from the youngest to the oldest, were struck blind, so that they struggled in vain to find the door


The Sodomites were so corrupt that they would not even rape Lot's daughters.


Very hard times are coming in which Sodomites will hold important positions and their sexual preferences will be part of the political standards.

Freedom to decide on the corporeality of one's sex, but totalitarianism in the ability to decide on one's health.





Updated: 5 October 2021 — 07:24

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