Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Norway lifts all COVID restrictions.

Norway on Saturday endured all COVID restrictionsas outgoing Prime Minister Erna Solberg responded to criticism of the move, saying Norwegian health experts supported the measure. Norway joins a growing number of countries, including Denmark and the UK, that have lifted all national COVID-19 restrictions.


"We will not use harsh (coronavirus) measures unless they are professionally justified. People should be allowed to live as they wish," - Solberg told the newspaper VG .

"It has been 561 days since we introduced Norway's toughest peacetime measures," Solberg said Friday at a news conference. "The time has come to return to normal daily life."



Norway is the second country in the Nordic region to lift COVID-19 restrictions after Denmark did so on September 10.

But the lie continues:


“Niemniej jednak Solberg nadal promuje szczepionkę: „Chociaż codzienne życie większości ludzi wróciło do normy, The pandemic is not over yet. People will still get sick, so it's important that everyone gets vaccinated." – powiedziała.”


In Norway, 67% people are vaccinated

In Dani 75%.

In England 67%

In Poland, not much more than 50%

Communist Spain and Portugal lead the way.


How can you comment on this?

Madonna w Izraelu śpiewała o tym, że “nie wszyscy wejdą do przyszłości”….


In comparison with the above countries, Poland does not look so bad and maybe they are preparing something for us.






Updated: 29 September 2021 — 16:47

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