Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Gates of Hell from October 15 will be in Italy.

photo wikipedia.


I think there is no better place for such a Masonic work than Rome.

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“Bramy piekielne” Auguste’a Rodina dotarły do ​​Rzymu i będą wystawiane na Kwirynale, począwszy od  October 15 , the day the green pass launches.


It is of course a coincidence that of all the artists who were inspired by Dante, from Botticelli to Salvador Dalì passing through Gustave Doré, Auguste Rodin, known for his friendship with  satanist Aleister Crowley.



Kolejny przypadek to fakt, iż wystawa znajduje się na Kwirynale, starożytnej rezydencji papieży….


The work is on display to celebrate Dante's 18th century anniversary.

Jaka jest historia tego… dzieła?

W 1880 roku rząd francuski zlecił mu zbudowanie drzwi do Muzeum Sztuki Dekoracyjnej („Musée d’Arts Décoratifs”), gdzie pracował do śmierci. Chodzi o „Bramy piekielne” („Les Portes de l’Enfer”), które reprezentują głównie sceny z piekła, pierwszej części Boskiej komedii Dantego.

Wtajemniczony w masonerii w wieku 25 lat w 1865 roku, w jurysdykcji loży „L’école du Liberté” („Szkoła Wolności”) Wielkiego Wschodu Francji, bardzo szybko poczuł motywację do przełożenia swojej wiedzy masońskiej na dzieło rzeźbiarskie „Trzy czasy” („Les Trois Temps”), zainspirowane trzema epokami masona w jego przejściu przez stopnie Ucznia, Towarzysza i Mistrza.

He was a Mason for the rest of his life.


All the national Italian newspapers celebrated with great pomp, photos and interviews, the arrival in Rome of Porta, which has gigantic dimensions exceeding six meters high and four meters wide, 635x400x100 cm to be exact.

To transport it from the Rodin Museum in Paris to Rome, a special truck was needed, only three copies of which exist in all of Europe.

A major news agency headlined: " Hell conquers the stables of the Quirinal ".

There seems to be a subtle and morbid complacency about all things satanic, luciferic, demonic.

It is not important that you believe it, it is important that they believe it ".


On October 15, the Super Green Pass, which we are the only one in the world to have, will debut.


To celebrate, the elite decided to show something that represents them: Absolute Evil.

This does not appear to be a coincidence, but rather a signature.


Khazarian Masons and beyond know that, after all, the introduction of the green pass is the first step toward a digital identity in which health, financial and social behavioral information will be intertwined.

With a pinch of green economy that never hurts, as evidenced by a credit card that calculates how much CO2 each of us emits with each purchase.

Obejrzyj mój film o paszporcie węglowym…





To gain access to Rodin's Hell's Gate, you'll need a green pass, a digital signature that facilitates entry into Hell.


Perhaps they are planning something for October 15 and after, or maybe it's just some kind of spiritual demonic initiation.

However you look at it, the Gates of Hell have not only overrun the Vatican but they are there.

The coming hell is a carbon passport and just as the covidian rituals were a Luciferian initiation for humanity, they are preparing earthlings for Mother Gaia's religion and total enslavement.

Catholicism is the enemy of mankind, but mankind does not want to comprehend this because it has no hunger for truth and does not want to know either God or His Word and therefore great suffering will come upon the world.


Now Ator with a video presentation should discuss this with a green glow and as usual no one will know where the evil is, because that is the point of talking about sensationalism in such a way that the evil is not pointed out.


Updated: 28 September 2021 — 21:05

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