Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

You can't fill up in Slovenia without a vaccination certificate. The Slovenians don't even flinch.

System bestii działa na tyle, na ile pozwala mu społeczeństwo. Badają nie tylko zachowania danych narodów, które przejęli, ale i ich mentalność. Widocznie Słoweńcy uważają za słuszne postanowienia “ich” rządu…


“W Słowenii zaostrzono ograniczenia epidemiologiczne. Kierowcy muszą być zaszczepieni i posiadać certyfikat szczepienny lub świadczący o wyzdrowieniu, by zatankować samochód. Obyło się bez większych burz.”


Mankind is truly dumbed down and has learned nothing from the lessons of history. The worthless state school has raised slaves rather than thinking people.


"Most gasoline suppliers, including Ljubljana-based Petrol, which operates the most gas stations in the country, rigorously applies the new restrictions, przyjęte w sobotę”


Widocznie Słowenia musi być strasznie bezbożnym narodem…

I checked and there it is.

"Abortion in Slovenia - Currently, Slovenian legislation provides for abortion at the request of a pregnant woman during the first ten weeks of pregnancy. After the tenth week of conception, termination of pregnancy is permitted only with the approval of a committee composed of a doctor and a social worker or psychologist["


That is why more and more Croatian women are now going to neighboring Slovenia to have abortions there.


So the Left depends on satanic demands and total violations of God's Law because this gives them the right to sin indiscriminately and to institute lawless governments.

That's the correlation.

Odkryłem ją rok temu, kiedy zacząłem się przyglądać obostrzeniom na świecie. Tam gdzie są największe tam jest bezprawie biblijne. Australia, Kanada, Francja….


W Słowenii również jest możliwe rejestrowanie związków partnerskich jak we Francji….


So in this context, a great positive is the role of the wreal24 channel, albeit still pro-Catholic. If they converted to biblical Christianity it would be even better.


The punishments that fall on the nations are directly proportional to the violation of God's Law, so the way out is not protests but a sound biblical worldview.

Conquer evil with biblical truth, Pole!


The evil is yet to come, but a big role in it for all of us. People need to be informed about the truth of plandemics, not to be intimidated.


Updated: 17 September 2021 — 10:46


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  1. My colleague at work got vaccinated even though I warned him against it, I don't understand people

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