Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The U.S. Congress doesn't have to vaccinate when Biden orders corporations and department employees to do so.

Saying that there are probably more equal and more equal does not convey the point of this message.


President Joe Biden says. all federal employees will have to be vaccinated, and weekly testing is not an option to get out of the shot. But one large group of people who are paid from the federal treasury will not have to be vaccinated: Congress.

The thing to remember is that the president controls the executive branch of the government, but he cannot tell the legislature what to do, so Congress can make its own rules about vaccination requirements. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said in April , that there would be no vaccination requirement for members of Congress and their staff.


USA Today reports that while the number is uncertain, the best estimate is that about one in five members of Congress are not vaccinated. But the number could be different: disclosure of members' vaccination status was based solely on the honor system, so an accurate vaccination rate is difficult to determine.


CNN reported that 97 Republicans in the House of Representatives have refused to disclose their vaccination status, indicating that the number is likely higher than 81%. The Associated Press says some large employers, who will clearly be covered by namandat, have to make some decisions about whether they will require vaccinations.

Google, for example, says it is undecided whether it will allow employees to work remotely and not vaccinate. The AP article says some companies are glad Biden issued the order because it relieves the burden on employers: "The business community will really appreciate it," said Angela B. Cornell, a clinical professor at Cornell Law School who focuses around the field of employment law.


Tomasz Lis at a meeting with journalism students said that people are dumber than they think. It's true. Even college doesn't guarantee wisdom, as we've learned after this world crib.

It is enough to look at any poll of support for political parties in Poland to see the cluelessness (I am trying to be gentle) of the people.



Almost 90% want to vote for occupiers and have starvation pensions! Can such people be considered reasonable?

I am aware that among those 90% excluding the Confederacy are people of legitimate background, agents, clerical electorate, etc. That is some 20%. But where are the rest? I have no intention of bashing anyone as people write themselves.


Kiedy prezydent Biden był jeszcze kandydatem Bidenem, powiedział Amerykanom, że nie jest nawet pewien, czy Amerykanie powinni przyjąć szczepionkę, którą prezydent Trump wprowadził w nagłych wypadkach FDA, nie mówiąc już o tym, że takie leczenie byłoby wymagane…


After the election, his administration repeatedly asserted that they were not giving up and that there was nothing to worry about. "No, I don't think it should be mandatory," Biden said last December. "I wouldn't demand that it be mandatory." Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom Biden chose to head the National Institutes of Health, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,


Similarly, he has repeatedly insisted that the federal government will never break with the precedent of leaving the vaccine mandate to more local governing bodies. "You don't want to impose or force anyone to take the vaccine," Fauci said earlier this year. "We've never done that." Fauci made it clear that such a federal government would be unworkable:


"We don't want to give injunctions from the federal government to the general population. That would be unworkable and inappropriate." Biden's press secretary, Jen Psaki, also used the White House rostrum to remind Americans that the administration has no such plans.

"Our interest is very simple, on the part of the federal government, which is to protect the privacy and rights of Americans," Psaki said just two months ago. In another press briefing, Psaki emphasized:

Mandating vaccinations "is not the role of the federal government." And it's not just the Biden administration. Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) agreed that the government has no such authority, saying last month: "We can't require someone to vaccinate. It's just not something we can do."


Ale…. w tym tygodniu jego administracja zawróciła o  180 stopni, przeforsowując serię nakazów  mających na celu zmuszenie praktycznie każdego amerykańskiego pracownika do zaszczepienia się przeciwko COVID-19.

"First of all," Biden told the American people Thursday night, "We need to increase vaccination among the unvaccinated with new vaccination requirements."

The next day, his administration explained that the penalties for noncompliance would be severe. Federal employees who refused to vaccinate would be fired. Private sector employees who refused to be implanted would be fined more than $13,000 per employee.

The White House has additionally indicated that no exceptions will be granted for Americans who were previously infected with COVID-19, despite numerous studies showing that natural immunity provides greater protection than vaccines.


Scripture says:


Says dumb w in your heart: "There is no God. They are corrupt, they commit abominable things, there is none that doeth good. Ps 53


Bezbożność idzie w parze z głupotą. Wyborcy demokratów to ludzie bezbożni i dlatego wybrali kłamców, którzy przez rok mówili, że nie będzie żadnych szczepień, a teraz rozpoczyna się akcja Dark Winter…







Updated: 13 September 2021 — 21:48

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  1. Hey. No offense, but the leaders of the Confederation are all agents. Bosak and Winnicki crawled out from Ruch Narodowy. I've already cured myself from politics and I don't support anyone or go to the elections. I admit that there are good people in the parties, but at the very top there is ven...swo. Even if someone has sincere intentions and founded a party, it will still be infiltrated by agents after some time.

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