Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Adventists, the occult, and the Jesuits.

It is time to force people who have idols in the institution called the church to choose: either Jesus or the church.


What I am about to present to you I knew about 5-6 years ago, but I was not sure that the conspirators were right, but now in view of the attitudes of important Adventist officials I am sure that the conspirators were right.


Let's start with the logo of an Adventist organization:


Seventh-day Adventist Church, in brief SDA Church.

In case anyone thought this was a stretch theory, I present the cover of a book by noted Adventist scholar Doug Batchelor:




Doug Batchelor, teaches that hell does not exist. He believes hell will be here on earth for 1000 years and then the wicked will be annihilated. . .


Contrary to Doug's doctrines is 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, where it says that all who reject Christ will suffer eternal punishment in a literal place called hell, which burns with flames of fire. . .


Doug Batchelor argues that God is not cruel and could never send anyone to the Lake of Fire to suffer forever; but that is not what God's Word teaches. If God allows unimaginable suffering in this present earthly world, you can be sure that God means what He says about an eternal place for the damned (Psalm 9:17), a place of fire and brimstone (Revelation 21:8), where the wicked will be punished forever (Revelation 20:11-15).

There is nothing in the Bible that teaches that hell will be on earth. Doug Batchelor teaches that Christians will be taken from the earth during the 1000-year Millennium; while the wicked burn in hell on earth for 1000 years. This is unbiblical teaching.


The millennial reign of Jesus Christ will literally take place from Jerusalem!


The wicked will be cast into a literal place called hell, where the unsaved rich man in Luke 16 went. SDAs have it all backwards. Unfortunately, there are many websites that deny the eternal punishment of the wicked.




Moving on:



Warehouse Ministry similar to the Illuminati sign with hands in the shape of sixes.


I have wondered for a very long time why the major religions keep me silent, after all there are few sites like mine.

I now believe that this is a deliberate information blockade.


Recently Artur Jankowski touched upon a very important topic. Admittedly, I haven't yet had time to watch his film on the subject of the Trinity, but I did watch a large part of it:



I don't agree with everything, but looking at the One God revealing Himself in one of three persons blazes a new trail for me, a new path.


As it turns out Adventists in Ellen White's day were not Trinitarians, and Ellen White and her husband were not Trinitarians either.



"We invite everyone to compare the testimonies of the Holy Spirit given by Mrs. White. with the word of God. And in this We do not encourage you to compare them to your creed. That's a very different issue. Trinitarian can compare them with his creed, and because disagree with him , condemn them." - (James White, Review and Herald, June 13, 1871)
The pioneers of the SDA Church, RF Cottrell, Sr. and Jr., DT Bordeau, JN Andrews, Loughborough, John Matteson, AC Bordeau, AT Jones, WW Prescott, EG White, James White and Uriah Smith, were all in agreement that this " the old trinitarian absurdity " committed from Rome. Adventist PS Cottrell wrote in the July 6, 1869 issue of the Review and Herald:

To hold to the doctrine of the Trinity is not so much evidence of evil intent as poisoning with that wine from which all nations are drunk. The fact that it was one of the leading doctrines, if not the main one itself, on which the bishop of Rome was exalted to the pope , there is little that speaks in its favor...This should lead people to investigate it for themselves, as when the spirits of devils working miracles take action to defend the immortality of the soul."



Adventist Ganoune Diop fascinated by the Jesuit Pope:


"While they promise them freedom, are themselves the servants of corruption: By whom man is vanquished, by whom he is in bondage ". 2 Peter 2:19.



Czy Ganoune Diop wyjątek zdrady? Ależ nie…



Bert Beach (SDA leader with Pope).


The United Nations is the substratum of the biblical beast. Rockefeller has earmarked a plot of land for this institution. In the photo below we see:

Ganoune Diop (ad7), SDA Ambassador to the United Nations, Ted Wilson and John Graz uniting on the same initiatives with the World Church, the United Nations. Ganoune Diop is the president of the SDA Church for Religious Freedom. The United Nations was founded by the Lucifer Trust, now renamed the Lucis Trust. They want a one world order under the rule of Lucifer. Most likely either Rothschild or the last pope.



Below, Pastor Sicinski encourages ecumenical dialogue and Christian-Jewish debate.



Adwentyści jako jedni z pierwszych wprowadzali nakaz noszenia masek na nabożeństwach. Zabierali ludziom tlen, a że w ich kościele przeważają osoby starsze, to dopowiedzcie sobie sami co oni im robili…

God's law and Jesus did. Adventists definitely do not.

There are certainly a lot of God's people out there. The uninformed. But, those who see what is going on in this Harlot organization and pretend as they spit on them that it is raining are just plain Pharisees.



Updated: 12 September 2021 — 14:29


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  1. While I agree with much of the thinking in this article, I encourage you to check out a few things that are not true:
    1) Adventists do not teach that hell will be 1000 years on earth while the saved will be with Jesus in heaven (please check this in their doctrine and in Doug Batchelor's book).
    2. W księdze Objawienia wyraźnie jest napisane że “i śmierć i piekło (hades) będą wrzucone do jeziora ognistego, i owo jezioro – to druga śmierć.I jeżeli ktoś nie był zapisany w księdze żywota, został wrzucony do jeziora ognistego.” – Objawienie 20:14-15.
    These words don't fit in anywhere with the teaching of eternal torment in the fire, do they?
    3) In one of his films, Pastor Jankowski tells how his deceased father, who according to Arthur Jankowski is currently in hell, came to him and they talked.
    The Bible clearly states that such encounters are not possible, and that the dead cannot contact the living, yet Jankowski doesn't mind this at all. What do you think, Peter?

    1. “2. W księdze Objawienia wyraźnie jest napisane że “i śmierć i piekło (hades) będą wrzucone do jeziora ognistego, i owo jezioro – to druga śmierć.I jeżeli ktoś nie był zapisany w księdze żywota, został wrzucony do jeziora ognistego.” – Objawienie 20:14-15.”

      I remember that even Prof. Veith said that the lake of fire will be somewhere in the desert and everyone of the saved will be able to see this lake constantly burning.
      Maybe I'm misremembering, but such a film about end times was made by Veith

      As for Artur Jankowski. I didn't watch it either and if he said so, it's not true according to my knowledge

      1. Czy możesz podać dokładnie, w którym filmie prof. Veith mówił o tym jeziorze ognistym “gdzieś na pustyni” Jeszcze do niedawna on reprezentował Kościół Adwentystów Dnia Siódmego, więc nie mógł nauczać w ten sposób, bo to nie jest zgodne z ich doktryną.
        The problem is deeper than it looks on the outside. It's about how we view our Father's character.

        1. I don't remember. Please search

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