Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Evangelical pastor blesses same-sex marriage. Jesus' prophecy is being fulfilled.

Khazarian pastoria is no different from the priests of Rome.

After all, even among priests there will be good people somewhere.


Małżeństwo oparte jest na miłości, a więc kiedy dwie osoby publicznie deklarują, że się kochają i chcą spędzić razem życie w miłości i szacunku, to uważam, że małżeństwo w oczach Boga jest zawarte – mówi pastor Michał Jabłoński, proboszcz warszawskiej Parafii Ewangelicko-Reformowanej.,75968,27515319,pastor-ewangelicki-jestem-gotow-blogoslawic-zwiazkom-jednoplciowym.html?fbclid=IwAR3dsF108Rofq1bNc5srbd2cD7nccVmnMQuQFkeGULRjFHlvlPyl-CR8zPw


screen gazeta wyborcza .



Some pastors are mere employees of the devil. Others are sleazy dogs.


“Stróże jego- są wszyscy ślepi,
they don't see anything.
They are all dumb dogs,
incapable of barking;
dreaming sleepily, lounging,
like to nap.
11 But these dogs are voracious,
They are shepherds incapable of understanding.
They all turned to their own ways,
każdy bez wyjątku szuka swego zysku” Izajasza 56.


The word pastor comes from the word shepherd. A shepherd warns the sheep, and today's pastors are sheep in wolfskins.

A pastor is a function of puffed up authority standing at the pulpit, and should be a person primarily ministering, warning of dangers, inspired by the Holy Spirit.

What is the picture of pastoring today? A significant portion in ecumenism, others support stabbings and still others support unisex relationships.


Thus Jesus' prophecy is fulfilled:


" The rise of many false prophets (falsely speaking by inspiration of God) and will mislead many; 12 And because iniquity is increased, the love of many will be cooled. 13 But whoever perseveres to the end will be saved. 14 A ta Ewangelia o królestwie będzie głoszona po całej ziemi, na świadectwo wszystkim narodom. I wtedy nadejdzie koniec.”

Mt 24

Many will be misled, and that's what happens.

The love of many is actually chilled in this situation. People give up their faith when they see such deceivers.

The pastor system is a Khazarian beast system. Most pastors support this usurper state.


In truth, Protestantism is gone, and those people who are stuck in evangelical churches have gone from pew to pew.

From Rome to the daughters of Rome.

I looked through the profile of this pseudo-shepherd. Among his friends he has many people with a lightning bolt in the picture. Father Lemanski is also an acquaintance.

Adam Ciućka and Tomasz Żółtko are also friends.


I wait impatiently for when Jesus will put his sword into Protestantism.


"21 Nie każdy, który Mi mówi: “Panie, Panie!”, wejdzie do królestwa niebieskiego, lecz ten, kto spełnia wolę mojego Ojca, który jest w niebie. 22 Wielu powie Mi w owym dniu: “Panie, Panie, czy nie prorokowaliśmy mocą Twego imienia, i nie wyrzucaliśmy złych duchów mocą Twego imienia, i nie czyniliśmy wielu cudów mocą Twego imienia?” 23 Wtedy oświadczę im: “Nigdy was nie znałem. Odejdźcie ode Mnie wy, którzy dopuszczacie się nieprawości!””


Wiecie co? Tym ludziom Jezus nie powie “nigdy was nie znałem”.

That's because they are knowingly on the wrong side.

Jezus powie letnim wierzącym “nigdy was nie znałem”. To będą panny głupie.

These pastors aren't even misses stupid. They are wily wolves.

If someone wants to play church then let them continue to support the daughters of the harlot with Jesus for nothing.

Those who are obedient to the word will come out of covidian and ecumenical and sodomite and lightning churches.





Updated: 3 September 2021 — 21:48

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