Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Brazil is introducing a vaccination passport starting September 1.


Idolatry is punished.

Brazilian cities have established criteria to minimize the impact of Covid-19.

The vaccine passport is designed to encourage immunization of a portion of the population.


In Rio de Janeiro, decrees published last week establish mandatory Covid-19 vaccination to access various facilities and services. Beginning September 1, common use areas will be in evidence, including gyms, stadiums and sports arenas, cinemas, theaters, museums, art galleries and exhibitions, as well as conventions and conferences.



Like I said I think in one of the videos the covidian socials is among other things to play with those 500plus etc at some point.


I looked up what the Carioca Family Card is.

It is a financial support program for nearly one million vulnerable people during plandemi.

Literkę ‘l” dodałem oczywiście.

In cooperation with Santander Bank Financial aid is transferred directly from the municipality to individual bank accounts. No NGOs are involved in the process.


In 2017, sodomite Kevin Spacy advertised this bank.

Bank Zachodni WBK on the basis of which Santander was established, created its image, inter alia, by means of advertising campaigns featuring international celebrities. They featured John Cleese, co-founder and member of the Monty Python group, comedian Danny DeVito, Polish national soccer team manager Leo Beenhakker and French actor Gérard Depardieu, film actor Antonio Banderas, and Chuck Norris and former Brazilian footballer Pele. In April 2013 Izabela Kuna joined the campaign. Together with Chuck Norris she advertised the newest product of BZ WBK - "Konto Godne Polecenia".


Banksterka prints and gives money making the nation even more indebted by making it dependent on the ruling caste, because in communism which the Khazarian Jesuits are building there are equal and more equal.


In August 2014, Mateusz Morawiecki - then CEO of the bank - announced the rebranding of the bank's name to "Santander"



Hand washes hand. The so-called NWO has been around for a long time.


In totalitarian systems such as fascism, communism, but perhaps most notably Nazism one of the things that allowed the degenerate Communists and Nazis to take power was that as the restrictions became stronger, the citizens adapted to "the new normal", so that over time the deviations became "par for the course." To właśnie robią obywatele świata z Paszportem COVID i obowiązkowymi szczepieniami – dostosowują się.

It's different if some elderly person doesn't have access to the internet and is duped by the TV, but there's no excuse for the internet proficient to build a new totalitarianism.


Remember that photo where everyone was giving the Roman salute to Hitler except for one man?



We arrive at a similar situation.

Bo chcę podróżować, bo chcę mieć pracę, ale zniewolenie i totalitaryzm przesunie granice…

People are preparing this fate for themselves. Unfortunately, most of them are not very intelligent.

Dlaczego nie ma w rodzinach świętego oburzenia? Dlaczego nie mówi się “co ty robisz człowieku, nie pamiętasz jak Hitler doszedł do władzy?”


W Polsce jeszcze nie jest tak źle. Być może dlatego coś nam szykują. Może stan wyjątkowy w całej Polsce. Już pojawiają się głosy prostytutek w garniturach “a dlaczego stan wyjątkowy tylko w dwóch województwach? Dlaczego nie zrobiono tego w momencie rozpoczęcia pandemi”

They survey the public.


Some anti-Semitic people are sucking up as much as they can to fight for the rest of freedom as others enter the death camps.


People have no love for truth, they are conformists, mental lazies and school has no but absolutely no meaning.

Intelligence is not attributed to education.


Finally. Who holds all the money in the world (IMF)?

Organizcja religijno-polityczna  Chazarów. To jest biblijna bestia, która ujeżdża nierządnicę nakłaniająca do szczepień – KRK.


Revelation shows exactly who is on what side.


Updated: 1 September 2021 — 07:06

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