Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Chief fey's dog in a yarmulke and with a Remfan star.

How much does it take to show these poor Christians intoxicated with Zion-Protestant teaching to convince them that the biblical beast is the Edomite/Chazarian system?


Szef Fej – sa niedawno pochwalił się swoim pieskiem i nie byłoby w tym nic dziwnego, gdyby nie fakt, iż piesek właściciela jednej z największych korporacji zbierających dane użytkowników z całego świata, nie byłby ubrany w jarmułkę i szalik z gwiazdą Remfana niesłusznie nazywaną Gwiazdą Dawida:



What Mark's background is everyone knows and no one seems to mind.

But exposing himself with his belief in Remnantism on a dog demonstrates the incredible self-confidence of this man, and this in turn shows how firmly established in his authority the biblical beast is.


Mark Zuckerberg's dog is named Beast and belongs to the Hungarian Shepherd breed.


There will be more demonstrations like this and pastors will still not tell you who the biblical beast is.

This is the same religion that Jesus fought against and that crucified him. Their human teachings stood in opposition to Jesus' teachings restoring the correct meaning of the Torah.


Mark does not follow the Torah, but rather the Talmud.

The Messianic Jews, on the other hand, have as an idol their nation, which is of dubious origin. They don't even know what tribe of God's ancient people they are from.

But this current religion is made up of Edomites and Khazars.


Look, we are almost the Great Tribulation and pastors still don't know on 100% who the biblical beast is.

So do most priests.


“dano jej władzę nad każdym szczepem, ludem, językiem i narodem. “


Who has ruled every people and nation since 1945?

Who took power in Poland after World War II?

Who can't be criticized?

Who is implementing plandemic?



I love the Judeans: Mary (not Mary), David and most of all Jesus Christ.

I am not fond of the Edomites, and they included King Herod of Judea who, as an Idumean, was not a descendant of any of the tribes of Israel as were a significant number of the scribes called Pharisees.

Similarly, I am not fond of the Khazars who converted to Rabbinic Judaism in the Middle Ages, though in fact everyone has a chance to convert and abandon the idol of the Diaspora.


We are in the midst of the Apocalypse. Someone will say that it has been going on since the time of the apostles. This is true. However, we are in the part during which Jesus Christ will come, but no longer with grace but with judgment and justice.

The time of grace is ending. The door is slowly closing.

Pastors who support this usurper state will answer to God.



Updated: 19 August 2021 — 21:44

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