Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

We live in the time of Jeremiah just before the fall of mankind.

Jeremiah lived just before the Judeans were taken captive. Today there are probably hundreds of such Jeremiahs. They preach about the end times and exhort people to come to God's Word in their families, among their friends, and on Facebook.

All of us who proclaim the coming of God's wrath, the apocalypse, and ultimately Jesus are treated identically to Jeremiah. We warn, but it has little effect and the greater wrath will be poured out upon the earth.


Priests and pastors have become stupid.


“Pasterze bowiem stali się głupi i nie szukali PANA. Dlatego im się nie powiedzie, a cała ich trzoda zostanie rozproszona. (22) Oto nadchodzi wieść i wielka wrzawa z ziemi północnej, aby miasta Judy zamienić w pustkowie i w siedlisko smoków” Jer 10.


Those who should be warning of evil are not doing so. They have become foolish. Many pastors and most priests do not warn against stabbing, and this is because they are either cooperating with the beast or are devoid of the Spirit.

The flocks are already being dispersed. During the plandemic, many people met the shepherds and saw them pushing towards death.

The death of the former and the death of the latter.

August 15 is the feast of the Queen of Heaven. The Judeans did not heed Jeremiah's warnings regarding the Queen of Heaven and the Catholics do not.



“odpowiedzieli Jeremiaszowi: (16) As for the word you spoke to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you(17) Ale na pewno wypełnimy każde słowo, które wyjdzie z naszych ust: będziemy spalać kadzidło królowej niebios i wylewać dla niej ofiary z płynów, jak dotąd czyniliśmy, my i nasi ojcowie, nasi królowie i nasi książęta, w miastach Judy i na ulicach Jerozolimy. Wtedy bowiem najadaliśmy się chleba, było nam dobrze i nic złego nas nie spotkało.” 



Catholics today think identically that since they worship the Queen of Heaven, which is really you know who, and nothing happens to them, it will continue to happen, but Jesus warned Catholics in Revelation:


"(19) I know your works, and love, and service, and faith, and your patience, and your deeds, and I know that the last things are more than the first. (20) Ale mam nieco przeciwko tobie – że kobiecie Jezabel, która nazywa siebie prorokinią, pozwalasz nauczać i zwodzić moje sługi, żeby uprawiali nierząd i jedli ofiary składane bożkom. (21) And I gave her time to repent of her unchastity, but she did not repent. (22) Behold, I will throw her on the bed, and those who commit adultery with her, in great oppressionif they do not repent of their deeds(23) A jej dzieci porażę śmiercią. I poznają wszystkie kościoły, że ja jestem tym, który bada nerki i serca. I oddam każdemu z was według waszych uczynków. ” Ap 3


Without a shadow of a doubt, the letter to Tiatyra is a letter to Catholics.

Katolicy ortodoksyjni mają “uczynki i miłość, i służbę, i wiarę”, But they make sacrifices to idols, various saints of Rome, and they have sexual intercourse with the Queen of Heaven.

But those who commit adultery with Jezebel God will place in the Great Tribulation.


Skoro polegacie na słowach oszustów, które w niczym wam nie pomogą, skoro dopuszczacie się morderstw, cudzołożycie, kradniecie, popełniacie krzywoprzysięstwa, idziecie palić kadzidło na cześć bogini Baal, idziecie  za innymi bogami, których nie znacie i nie zauważacie, że przez nich źle się wam powodzi, a potem przychodzicie i stajecie przede mną… Jer 7.


Jesus said that it is not enough not to kill to be guilty of murder. It is enough to hate and that is the case in Poland.

Poles commit adultery by supporting Satan's culture in: music, commercial sports, cult of success, movies, etc.

But they also support clairvoyants: Jackowski, fortune teller Maciej, etc.

How can one commit adultery? A little Nostradamus, a little Eastern philosophy, a little new age.


The Queen of Heaven is put on a pedestal. This is blasphemy. Mary was a humble person who trembled when she saw an angel. Now she is being made a goddess. Others mother earth Gaia.

Punishment will come for all this.


(19) Your wickedness will punish you and your deviation will rebuke you. Therefore know and see that it is an evil and bitter thing that you have forsaken the LORD your God, and that my fear is not in you, says the LORD, the GOD of hosts.
(Jeremiah 2:19)



The so-called Mother of God brings only misfortune. Poland was overrun by the Khazars through the cults of the Queen of Heaven.

From the moment she was crowned Queen of Poland we became an insignificant country and experienced the devastating effects of two world wars, partitions, communism and the Round Table scam, i.e. sharing power with the Khazars.


There is no better punchline than this:


You follow other gods whom you do not know and do not notice that you are doing badly because of them, and then you come and stand before me.


Convert the nation to the Word of God. Abandon the worship of images and Ashtarte.


God is good and waited a long time for the Israelites to convert. He sent his prophets. Today He is doing the same thing warning the nations through the preachers of God's Word. Not through churches, for they commit adultery, but through individuals passionate about the Word to save as many as they can.


Updated: 10 August 2021 — 20:55

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