Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Bustowski vs Gessler.

I've known Bustowski for about a year, but I've never commented, and that's because I don't like the form of action of this, as it were, active anti-system activist.


However, in this case I wanted to briefly discuss an event from Karpacz.


Last Saturday, July 24, Magda Gessler recorded an episode of "Kitchen Revolutions" in Karpacz.

I don't watch this program and what's more, I think that it is watched by mindless people, because you have to be an unborn human being to watch a constant furious person from Khazaria throwing things and insulting Poles.

On the other hand, what kind of ignorant Poles do you have to be to let the righteous earn by humiliating themselves at the same time.

For publicity? Some of it is anti-advertising.


But in all my distaste for the satanoculture of the Khazarian revolutions, I never caught what Bustovsky caught.

It was on July 24 that Marcin Bustowski began calling the restaurateur through a megaphone. When he got to her, reminding her of her bad intentions and disregard for the glyphosate problem in food, a brawl ensued. Gessler could not stand it and hit M. Bustowski by knocking out his phone, and then she started to jerk the cable connected to it.


screen capture from the video below.


Is Bustowski right?


“na terenie stanu Kalifornia sąd w Oakland przyznał małżeństwu chorującemu na złośliwego chłoniaka nieziarniczego aż 2 miliardy dolarów odszkodowania. Oboje przez ponad 30 lat stosowali w swoim gospodarstwie Roundup. Ława przysięgłych uznała, że to właśnie wieloletnie stosowanie glifosatu jest przyczyną ich ciężkiej choroby. Istotne w tej sprawie jest to, iż dwójka niespokrewnionych ze sobą ludzi, wystawionych na ekspozycję problematycznego środka chwastobójczego przez wiele lat, zachorowała na ten sam nowotwór złośliwy. Stanowi to mocny dowód na rakotwórcze działanie glifosatu[13]. Kwota 2 miliardów dolarów została co prawda zredukowana do 87 milionów przez sąd apelacyjny, ponieważ zdaniem sądu wyrok w I instancji przekroczył granice precedensu sądowego. Tym niemniej sentencja wyroku została zasadniczo utrzymana w mocy”

Is glyphosate carcinogenic? The dispute over Monsanto's chemical compound


Bustowski said:



I advise all visitors to Karpacz not to come here, because you will not get healthy food in any restaurant, everything is bought in Tesco and Biedronka, the biggest mess, filth and grave," he said.


Bustowski also resented Gesslerowa's failure to read the documents he sent her, which are supposed to prove the water was poisoned and aluminum standards were 150 percent exceeded.



"We will meet in court!" - Bustowski announced and indicated that he would take the case to court for destruction of property. In fact, he posted a photo of the request on his profile Tuesday.





Now I will comment on this from the point of view of the usurpation of this nation.

Well, the Bible talks about the true Israelites:

“W tobie będą błogosławione wszystkie narody” Galatów.




“I będę błogosławił błogosławiącym tobie, a przeklinających cię przeklinać będę; i będą w tobie błogosławione wszystkie plemiona ziemi.” 1 Mojżeszowa. 12.3


Unfortunately, but by these nations impersonating Israelites, the nations are cursed. Poles by adopting Khazar and Edomite culture (Herod was an Edomite) are the losers.

Unfortunately, the Khazarian Jesuit church of Rome has perverted the teachings of the Bible and Poland is ruled by the beast.

No pastor will condemn this Khazar nation and point you to the beast in Zionism and Talmud.

Pastor Cyrikas (A. Kwasniewski's colleague) Kurylas have suddenly become anti-Semitic, and where have they been for the last decade?

However, they just like all the rest including the cowboy pastors will not say that the banks, pharmaceuticals, porn industry, culture, media are fake Judeans.

Pastoria is pro-Zionist.

Which pastors/pastors were concerned about food quality in Poland? Which ones talked about roundup and glyphosate like Bustowski?


Protestantism is under the control of Zet with a period,

Bustowski has a bad style, but who is to do it when no one else does?

Let us pray for Bustowsky, for he has only latched on to part of the truth, but where is the Vatican, the Talmud, and Jesus mentioned?

Bustowski Marcin said in the video below that he is well acquainted with Gessler's brother Piotr Ikonowicz. How can you fraternize with a communist?


So faith is limited to the church? Well, yes, and then when someone has cancer there will be prayer and the church will gather.

Pastor Godawa was supposed to be healed a year ago and he is no longer there.

Pastors are not interested in the lives of people and society, they lock themselves in churches and teach theology.

Jesus few people want to know because Jesus is locked up in a building, in religion. Jesus is not where the carcinogens are in the foods. Jesus is only in songs by the guitar.

Shame and embarrassment.

I do not identify with Protestants or evangelicals from denominations in the ecumenical (Baptists, KZ, Lutherans, etc).


Israel is people living in truth outside the church. Israel is people living in brotherly love and concern for others. A people sensitive to suffering and lack of justice. The Israel of Jesus are people who reject the culture of Khazaria and Edom and Canaan.

Out of love for people, we reject evil.





Updated: 29 July 2021 — 18:30

1 Comment

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  1. Hello, Geslerowa is a drug addict (cocaine addict) I know because she used to come to my friend's place to get the goods. Greetings

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