Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Can you see them?


Yesterday while waiting for the bus I saw a drunk man lying at the bus stop. I took a shot from the side so as not to give him a bad reputation.


I prayed for this man that the good God in Jesus' name would pull him out of this state of darkness. Many passing by laughed.

I thought I had to write about it.


First of all, in truth, any one of us could have been in this man's place. The fact that we are with God is the result of God's grace, and no one knows, or very few, if someone didn't sometimes pray for us when we were stuck in darkness.


We should never despise another person because he has fallen!

Especially since we don't know the reasons for his downfall. Maybe he lost a loved one, maybe the workplace was closed down, or maybe he just didn't have a good Godly upbringing and fell into hedonism.

In fact, it doesn't matter for what reason. Maybe it matters insofar as we can't judge. We can judge. In this case, the man is drunk.

I know many obnoxious Christians who judge and condemn, and we should be deflecting the captives of darkness.


Po drugie, przeznaczeniem wierzącego biblijnie jest właśnie walka, a nie osądzanie. To ludzie ze świata osądzają: ”oooo jaki pijak” “ooo jaka prostytutka” itd.

If everyone acted this way there would be no such Peter Stepniaks (the late convert was a thug).


Now everyone is thinking about their pleasures, but where is Jesus in all this, where is the struggle for others?


We may have lost the battle for our stabbed loved ones, but we have not lost the battle for their souls.


The more a person moves among people, the more evil he sees. The more evil, the more prayer is needed. People need our prayers.

I often pray for random people.


Do we see fallen people in need of prayer on a daily basis? Can we live in the exluviation of our faith?


This is so to stir our consciences.


Bo byłem głodny, a daliście Mi jeść; byłem spragniony, a daliście Mi pić; byłem przybyszem, a przyjęliście Mnie; byłem nagi, a przyodzialiście Mnie; byłem chory, a odwiedziliście Mnie; byłem w więzieniu, a przyszliście do Mnie”





Updated: 14 July 2021 — 12:26

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