Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Przymus szczepień w “budżetówce” na całym świecie przyspiesza segregację z Apokalipsy 13.

Never has Revelation chapter 13 been as clear and bright as it is today.

The biblical beast system forces people to make gruesome choices: either a medical experiment that insurance companies don't want to cover, or you have to give up several years to several decades of your professional development, years of experience, stability, knowledge.


Paradoxically, this affects first the professional group that had to be at the service of BIG FARMA for years.

By now every hateful anti-systemicist knows through the Bible pages that pharmakeia means witchcraft from the Greek.


The second group will be the group of officials, and here too will come dissonance and consistency.

Officials working for the beast's system, using its laws, will have to choose: either a job or a change of profession.


Working in government offices exempts you from good service, or rather ob-service.

Oni nie służą a rządza  i wymagają. Pomimo regulaminów, zapisów prawnych przysiąg o służebnej roli jest całkowicie odwrotnie. To petent przychodzi na kolanach a urzędnik jest panem na włościach…


Take a look at google ratings of offices in any city. I chose the City Hall in Kielce, to which I personally have nothing:


Ocena petentów – 2,6 na 5.

This will be the case in most offices. The best rating you can find is barely above 3 stars.


Now this group is being forced to stab.

Don't get me wrong, I have brothers and sisters working in offices, but we are talking about the majority here.


If you see the rating of an average company it will oscillate between 4 and 5 stars, that's because there they MUST care about good quality service.

If the services of the offices were listed on allegro, they would have most of the negatives.

Nepotism does its job. Staffing with party cronies does too.


Although, in all honesty, I have also met with many sympathetic officials. It all lies in the heart.

But now comes coercion from those whom they have served and are serving. Some officials will see through it.


But what are the trends in the world?

I already wrote about the fact that in the capital of Satanism Vatican requires vaccinations several months ago.


Tajikistan and the Vatican are among a handful of countries, in which all adults are vaccinated. IT'S VERY TELLING, BUT WHICH CATHOLIC IS INTERESTED IN THAT...

W former Soviet Tajikistan official news agency published a government decree mandating vaccination of all people over the age of 18, without giving further details. In the Vatican, the world's smallest country, vaccinations were made mandatory for residents and employees in February, and those who refuse could be fired.


Polska będzie drugim Tadżykistanem jak wygra PO – Hołownia – SLD.



Several regions or territories have imposed vaccination on specific population groups. Italian doctors and  healthcare professionals in the public and private sectors must be vaccinated or face being banned from working directly with patients. A group of 300 Italian health care workers went to court, to seek a waiver of duty, and a hearing is set for July 14.



On June 16, the British government announced that all care home workers in England will have to be fully vaccinated. If approved by parliament, the new legislation means that every person working in a care home must receive two doses of  vaccines beginning in October, unless he/she has sick leave. The policy will apply to all employees directly employed by  institution , as well as to agency employees and volunteers.


United States

The City of San Francisco has announced that it will required that all city employees be vaccinated, otherwise they could face penalties including termination from their jobs. The new rule won't take effect until the vaccines get full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which has so far given the green light for their use in pandemic emergencies. More than 150 employees at Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas have already been laid off After they disobeyed an order to fire. .



On June 16, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin ordered mandatory blowback for residents of the Russian capital working in the service industry. About 60 percent of all workers service industry in Moscow - just over two million people - were ordered to be fully vaccinated by August 15. Since then, other localities have taken similar measures, including hard-hit St. Petersburg.


Kazakhstan on July 1 ordered mandatory vaccination against coronavirus for a wide range of workers who come into contact with others. Those who refuse will not be allowed to work face-to-face with other people.



French Health Minister Olivier Veran said mandatory vaccinations are not yet necessary for everyone. But The government is working on a bill to force health care workers to take a stab.

Saudi Arabia

In many places, although there is no formal requirement to vaccinate, restrictions on the unvaccinated mean it is de facto mandatory. Riyadh has decided that anyone using  public transport or enters a government, private facility or sports facility, must be vaccinated as of August 1. Only vaccinated public sector employees and  private can enter their workplaces.



The South Pakistani province of Baluchistan on July 1 banned unvaccinated people from entering government offices, public parks, shopping malls and public transportation. Sindh province says it will refuse to pay government workers, who have not been vaccinated since July, and neighboring Punjab has announced that Will block the cell phones of people who refuse vaccinations


The peace and stability that comes from working in government and health care have become a curse.





 (16) He also causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, (17) and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the animal or the number of its name. (18) This is where wisdom is needed. He that hath understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six.


Jesteśmy o kroczek od 17 wersu Apokalipsy….

People have built and continue to build the beast system.




Updated: 6 July 2021 — 09:54

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