Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Vaccine test or passport required for Croatia starting July 1.

An incredibly clever move by the beast system. From the beginning of June, all you had to do was live in the green zone to enter Croatia.

As of today, entry under conditions...


“Od 1 lipca podróżni, aby wjechać do Republiki Chorwacji, muszą przedstawić na granicy “paszport covidowy” lub negatywny wynik testu. To niespodziewana zmiana, bo ledwie kilka tygodni temu, władze kraju zniosły obowiązek testu przy wjeździe.”


The system plans and watches. They know very well that people are now planning their vacations depending on the restrictions. These until yesterday were liberal in Croatia, and since the country is loved by Poles, Slovaks and Germans have changed the rules at the last minute.

Teraz pozostaje zmienić plany lub …. być “szczęśliwym” posiadaczem certyfikatu szczepień, tudzież dać sobie włożyć badyla do nosa i otrzymać hydrożel. Nie wiem czy test antygenowy nosogardzieli również zawiera hydrożel ale skoro system wymaga akurat takich testów to coś jest na rzeczy.

After all, a blood test would suffice.

This year they will accelerate with lockdown and restrictions.



“Niektórzy twierdzili, że odstęp pomiędzy pierwszą a drugą szczepionką jest zbyt długi, by zapobiec nowej fali epidemii, której nadejścia spodziewają się “pod koniec lata lub we wrześniu”.,nId,5332147?fbclid=IwAR3NGcd5Q6quI_q7lqKateAWGUOyVspY_v558aWi6y_Dj0krO3r7qipS7S0#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome


The implication is that they have scheduled the next wave for the end of August, and that would go along with the information that health care workers are to use their leave by August 16 max.

I already wrote about how easy it is to calculate the effects of stabbing. If in the UK they subjected people to a medical experiment in December January and now they have an increase in disease, it means that in our country it will be in August/September maximum and they don't have to wait until October at all like last year.


Interestingly, Croatia's decision coincides with Union Certification:


Unijny Certyfikat COVID jest uznawany od 1 lipca w całej Unii Europejskiej. Zaświadczenie ma ułatwić podróże po krajach Wspólnoty. W Niemczech wydano już ponad 32 miliony certyfikatów, we Włoszech – 13,7 miliona, a w Hiszpanii – 2,7 miliona.

According to the data of the digitalization department of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, since June 21, when the EU COVID Certificate appeared in the mCitizen application, the document has been downloaded in Poland more than one million people. The certificate available in the app also works offline.


This year they will start excluding the unvaccinated on a massive scale.

The tools will be many from lotteries, to pressure at work, to threatening to pay for vaccines.




Updated: 1 July 2021 — 13:56

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