Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Nowe “prawo” w lucyferiańskiej Kanadzie: kara więzienia za doradztwo w sprawie konwersji płci.

Read while you can still read my blog, because it's only a matter of time when they will block sites like this.

I'm aware that a lot of new people are reading me, and some regular readers don't quite know where this is going.

Of course, everything is spoken of in Scripture, and I am merely showing the Luciferian trends and fulfillment of prophecy.


That we live in the end times is known because of the fulfillment of prophecies. One of these is a quote from the Good News (News) of Luke:


(28) So was it in the days of Lot: They ate, drank, bought, sold, grafted, built; (29) and on the day Lot came out of Sodom, fire with brimstone fell from heaven and destroyed everyone. (30) So will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.



From the ST we know that in the days of Lot there was Sodom and Gomorrah and this now characterizes those times.

Homosexuality is as old as the world. For this example, Alexander the Great was bisexual, another confirmed (there are masses of anecdotal cases) example of deviancy is the famous Richard the Lionheart, who served public penance for sexual relations "contrary to nature" on as many as two occasions.

However, unlike the past 6,000 years of world history, now for the first time since Sodom, secular law becomes Lucifer's law, or biblical lawlessness, and so these governments cease to be the authority that believers should submit to.


Kanada jest tego “dobrym” przykładem.

In this already thoroughly Luciferian state, a law is being written that prohibits both guidance in terms of reorientationas well as counselling related to behaviour change, even if it does not include orientation change. This means that LGBTQI Canadians would not have access to the support that is available to every other Canadian. Those who wish to support such individuals could face up to 5 years in prison. This is a clear violation of Charter rights.


We Bible believers respect every person.

But we need to recognize who is who. During a protest, a pride march in June, some internet TV (can't remember which one) was interviewing the marchers and several of them exalted lucifer, satan (rebel).


LGBT is Satanism and this is not my conclusion but their statement of faith.



Poniżej koszulka za 30 dolarów  z napisem “Nie dzisiaj Jezu”.


We must realize and be clear that this is the first time since Sodom and Gomorrah that Luciferian law is becoming secular law. It has been building since 1945. No government in the world represents its people anymore.


The site pt Global Order of Satan also makes no secret of its adoration and principles of faith:




Humanity doesn't really know where it is in history.

Probably now that you have read the text you have noticed in the quote from Luke that there was mention of grafting. Of course officially it refers to the grafting of trees, but I believe Jesus wanted to show us in this way something that has been taking place for a year.


The end of anti-system media freedom is coming. I suspect we'll be saying goodbye this year.


Referring yet to Satan's Global Order website, or disorder according to the Bible. On June 30, 2020, they organized a Black Mass for LGBT success in Poland.




This is terribly painful to me, not because they want to zLGBTize Poland, but because of their unanimity and solidarity.

Ja jestem co rusz atakowany od tzw chrześcijan. A to niedawno jakaś pielęgniarka nazwała mnie “detektywem półprawdy” na messendzerze, bo wierzę, że jest wirus a ona uważa że go wcale nie ma. Nieważne, czy  dobrze rozumie mnie czy nie, czy ja mam dostateczną wiedzę. Ważne że jestem detektywem półprawdy. Kobieta świętuje szabat a wiele razy mnie obrażała, poniżała, bo ja coś inaczej rozumiem.



Recently another woman I think who was the author of a phone call to NPS berated me so much, just because I promoted an awareness video to her, that I couldn't mentally pull myself together for two days. I thought we were on the same page. I was doxxed at this point. But I apologized humbly and deleted the video.


Dochodzą jeszcze “bracia” w Chrystusie. Niejaki Michał, choć czytywał bloga regularnie,  tak mi dał popalić pokazując moje miejsce w szeregu, że do dzisiaj nie uczestniczę w mojej grupie z Discorda, którą założyłem.



Another example. A former friend, on the other hand, came onto this Discord and immediately started by questioning my principles of faith. On a good day. No friend and no participation of mine on the Discord,

There are attacks from Christians everywhere. I've had some in real life too.

Nawet przed nawróceniem miałem zasadę “żyj i pozwól żyć innym”, czyli jeśli mi ktoś nie odpowiada, to zostawiam go w spokoju. Ale ludzie chcą wchodzić, czytywać kogoś, kogo obdarzają negatywnymi emocjami i zarazem od kogo czerpią informacje.


I could go on for a long time listing. People don't like me, and they come in for blog messages. They can't even be gracious enough to at least not attack. I wrote about the detective complex. They want to be better by attacking. Few defend me. I'm on the front lines of information, awareness, but who cares?

Who cares that he represents biblical values on the internet?



Recently a regular reader, Natalia, sent me a voice message confiding that she only now understands what I'm going through because she experienced the same thing one time while defending biblical values on FaceBook. Only now has she begun to appreciate what I do.


Inny mój brat w wierze mieszkający w Islandi z miesiąc temu napisał mi to samo, doświadczywszy hejtu  w “dyskusjach” na grupach biblijnych… Tyle, że on zdegustowany zlikwidował konto dla zdrowotności. Nie dał rady…


However, it is impossible not to appreciate those, not to mention those who bless me on the messenger, those who support me (prayerfully, comfortingly, in kind ) in various ways. I always thank God for such people and ask for Blessings for them.

Thank you all.



What am I striving for? Christians are busy fighting among themselves. Satanists are organized physically and spiritually. They organize marches and black masses.


Why isn't there a single initiative shared by different groups of biblical believers? Maybe we are divided by the Decalogue, maybe by the gifts of the Spirit, maybe by something else, but why don't we have our common prayers?


A Christian is the kind of person who waits to find a hook for another person. I am not talking here about ecumenism or supporting a usurper state created in 1948. These are things that should divide.

Maybe this will shock you and you can attack me: nominal Christianity is disgusting. It makes you want to vomit.


“A ponieważ jesteś letni a więc ani gorący, ani chłodny zamierzam cię zwymiotować z moich ust.”


He doesn't even want to feel the same way Jesus felt being rejected by most of society including the true Judeans. But I'm not God, I'm just an ordinary human being.


Now I will share with you some of my insights of the last few days. These may be the next shocking words:




People don't have love in them, they want personal freedom but they don't want freedom from hate.

Ja jadę na oparach…. Czasem padają słowa pociechy, a czasem jest totalne zrezygnowanie.


Most of the antisystem is unsaved people. It is not God's purpose to endow unsaved people with lockdown freedom. Read the history of Israel. On the contrary, they were to fall into the Great Tribulation in order to be converted. First Israel fell into captivity and then Judea. God's purpose was to show what their choice was, a departure from God's law.


“Odejdźcie ode Mnie wy, którzy dopuszczacie się nieprawości!”


These words were said by Jesus.


"(21) Nienawidzę waszych świąt, gardzę nimi, i nie podobają mi się wasze uroczystości świąteczne.” Amosa.


God has no regard for religious rituals, going to church, even the Sabbath if one has a corrupt heart.


Anti-systems people think that if they have knowledge it will be better for them. I wrote about the fact that at this stage some of those who accepted the stabbing will be saved because they had a good heart, and some of those (a lot) who did not accept the stabbing will not be saved unless they repent.



 This is what the Lord says: A wise man should not boast of his wisdom, The strongman should not boast of his strength, nor the rich man boast of his wealth. (23) Rather, wanting to boast, Let him boast that he is wise and that he knows Me, that I am Yahweh, Who shows mercy, righteousness and justice on earth – w tym to mam upodobanie – wyrocznia Pana. Jeremiasza.



Back to the unanimity of Satanists.

Canada's Minister of Justice has acknowledged that consenting adults would only be able to receive counselling support for gender conversion if it is free. But even if it is free, no one is allowed to advertise, even verbally promote this counseling under threat of 2 years imprisonment.


Is it not the same in Muslim countries? In Iran, it is forbidden under penalty of law to evangelize Muslims, but they in Europe can bring the Bad News of Allah.


Interestingly the ban on conversion therapy is to be in UK, Australia.


These countries have the highest restrictions in the world.

Dear Compatriots!

I warn you! Do not let Poland become an oasis for killing children or another Sodom.

Abolition and totalitarianism has different faces in different parts of the world. Based on my observations a year ago, it is clear that there are major ones where God's Law has been blatantly violated. There is collective responsibility and even if there is a second Elijah in the UK or Canada, the fact is that the majority is in favor of Luciferian lawlessness. This also shows that one cannot be politically indifferent in this demonocracy.

Yes, there is a lesser evil. You could see it in the individual kings in Babylonian captivity and you can see it in the Polish government. If PO was in power, we would have had the same thing in Canada long ago.


Only zeal for God's Law can protect us and not mere protests, or mere reporting on Facebook.


Very hard times are coming and soon it will be on you to fight the last information battle once they shut down such sites.

They will hate us even in our families. People will be plugged into the Beast's system. They will already be in unison with the Beast.

Unfortunately, this is something you have to be prepared for. Those least humbled will not stand for it. Christian haters will be the first to fall away from the faith along with the Catholic haters.


" I, the Lord, examine the heart
and I'm experiencing a kidney,
That I may render to each according to his conduct,
według owoców jego uczynków.” Jer 17.






Updated: 1 July 2021 — 10:32


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  1. Piotrze, wiem co czujesz. Może nie dzielę się tym na co dzień z tobą, na forum czy gdziekolwiek indziej, ale ostatnio (wydawało mi się, że jest) siostra w wierze odrzuciła moje upominanie. Chodzi o to, że pogubiła się, dodawała mnóstwo głupot (memów) na FB (którego już jakiś czas temu skasowałem), upomniałem ja, że tak nie zbuduje swojej wiary itp. Wczoraj napisała, że “ten detektyw ma na ciebie zły wpływ”.
    I will tell you that I cry at prayers as I express repentance for sin, I cry because this evil has already overtaken me, often destroying me spiritually.
    I would so much like to be saved. May you also experience no more evil, you are and will be in my prayers. God bless you, as I have grown spiritually these past few years (ignoring the falls). But the struggle is getting harder and harder.
    Praise the Lord Christ for you good people.
    Mam nadzieję, że podczas spotkania grup, które utworzyłes nie będzie kąśliwych ludzi, bo bynajmniej moja grupa ma niebawem spotkanie. Dziękuję ci za to co robisz, oby nasz kontakt się nie urwał, gdy sataniści zlikwidują prawdę…

    1. Thank you sincerely for your words of support.
      As for exhortation, it must be in the Spirit of Christ, gently. I don't know how you did it.
      But the Scriptures are clear about what to do if a brother doesn't listen to us: either two witnesses or you shake the ashes off your feet, and unfortunately we can't partake in someone's pagan lifestyle

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