Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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DARPA hydrogel in PCR assays.



I drop the subject of PCR testing not for sensationalism, but as befits a detective to push the issue forward. I myself wondered whether, if I had to undergo the test, I would not do it. Morgellons, which I was one of the first on the Polish net to describe, doesn't exactly convince me. But in all this kowtowing, crowning to honor the antichrist once in a while I came across the subject of DARPA gel and frankly writing I don't know if anyone has reliably written or said anything about it anywhere. I am counting on you to complete my text which is, by the way, really a reporting, a commentary of something that is available on the Internet.


Well, the only scientific material I have come across is the one about how it ...

A laboratory in Bratislava, Slovakia conducted a study on nylon PCR test tips. They found DARPA hydrogel (nanochip hydrogel), crushed nylon fibers and lithium.



Do you remember how I described the ban on Slovaks leaving home without PCR tests?


In Slovakia, total ban on leaving home without a negative coronavirus test

This was a massive campaign to test all Slovaks. In the end, I don't know how many people were tested, but below I will give you an overview of why it was done....

Many non-systemic, unpaid, incorruptible blogs have called it genocide.

Not me....


By the way what kind of heartless people attack me and at the same time use such information. I've had a lot of attacks lately. Do you not like me? Leave the blog immediately if you have honor.


What happened at the Bratislava lab?


The staff at this hospital's hospital conducted an investigation into the PCR tests. They concluded that the tests, using cotton swabs that are inserted through the nose all the way to the brain, were designed to implant DARPA Hydrogel.



The study was performed from 11. 2020 to 03. 2021 on test swabs.




These broken fiber tips are designed to breach the epithelium, the surface layer of mucous membranes. Because of their breakage at the tip and subsequent leaching and loss of their fiber content - that's DARPA Hydrogel and Lithium - these substances end up in your body... close to the brain! These hollow fibers or strands were patented by, you guessed it, DARPA.

After inoculation of a mixture of nylon fiber fragments, Darpa Hydrogel remains on the nasal mucosa Under the pituitary and pineal gland along with lithium.



This mixture immediately reacts with living structures to form crystals directed directionally to the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field. The shape of the crystals determines the type of hydrogel used. The crystals conduct due to the lithium in them. The crystals can receive signals from the transmitter to the cell and transmit signals from the cell to the transmitter. In fact, they are nano-antennas.


Lithium is an element (reference to Li) that does not occur naturally in humans. It is highly toxic to the pineal gland. In low doses it blocks it, and in higher doses it can completely destroy it. Aluminum and mercury also have toxic effects on the pineal gland, which is widely used in vaccines. The pineal gland produces serotonin (the happy hormone) and controls a person's biorhythms. This is crucial for higher brain activity (creativity, anticipation, sixth sense, etc.) and human social interaction. See link (5) grasshoppers for more details.



Darpa Hydrogel (reference) is an artificial substance that creates a converter between an electromagnetic signal and a living cell, tissue and organ. It converts the electromagnetic signal from the transmitter into a signal that the living cell understands and responds to. (See beetle photo - Darpa Hydrogel was injected into these neural structures and was controlled by radio).



Darpa hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland and make the thinking person into a controllable biorobot. The hydrogel is the carrier of the active substance, its job is to get the substance into the body at the desired location.

Briefly on vaccines. Vaccines contain Darpa hydrogel, lithium and patented genetic information. The mRNA is not an unproven novelty. In breeding and for top athletes this type has been doping for many years. For top athletes, this doping significantly shortens life.

The genetic information in the vaccine leads to a patented mutant. The dream of the dark forces around Bill Gates is to force these mutants, for example by vaccination, to update regularly as a computer program.




These DARPA hydrogel "crystals" form a 3D spatial structure and grow directly into human body tissue.

DARPA The hydrogel crystals grew under the microscope in the direction of the magnetic field... This means that it grows in the nasal cavity in the direction of the pineal gland. The pineal gland produces a locally stronger magnetic field than the Earth's external magnetic field.


As a sort of test, Ivermectin was added to the unnatural crystallization. This resulted in the immediate, complete and permanent disappearance of the crystal structures of DARPA Hydrogel. Ivermectin therefore has an incredibly powerful action against whatever DARPA Hydrogel is producing in our bodies! Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that is effective against most intestinal worms, parasitic mites and lice.



I don't know if all PCR sticks are standardized on what population the hydrogel is used on, but I think we should look into it.

About a month ago I received information that I did not publish or discuss in any video because it was not verified information, only hearsay.

Namely, some health care worker received information that there was pressure, top-down order that all health care workers, or the part responsible for the coroner's tests by August 10 at the most, return from vacation because there will be a mass testing of Poles.

I don't know if this is true. I'm throwing the topic hoping for a response.





links: LINKS /? sh = 47041f384e47 = 77fd6e153efa


3 ) https: // Wł/10.1007/978-1-4612-3524-8_27






Updated: 21 June 2021 — 22:30

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