Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"Controlling emotions with magnetic waves." They show it explicitly, but you have to be able to read.

I get the impression that Freemasonry (rightly so) is increasingly fond of revealing its goals, intentions, activities.

I also take it that this is what they have always done, it's just that we haven't been able to read them accurately.


In the article I was sent several times on system they INFORM US about the beneficial effects of magnetic waves on the brain.


"We were able to make mice exposed to a specific magnetic field much happier and more satisfied."


What a clever action by the snake. They program people to the information already available by rationalizing their unholy intentions. Most upon receiving such controversial and shocking information will then say "science works for the good of mankind. I feel fortunate to be able to participate in such a wonderful experiment that will benefit mankind."


The beast system has gone a step ahead. Do you understand that?

They are getting ahead of us, applying us. By the time anti-systemic journalists covering reality with an alternative to the mainstream like me and others comment on shocking data, by the time we discover something, they are already explaining it. Smart move.

Yes, it's true, today journalists are bloggers, jutubers. There is no reliability in TVP, Polsat, TVN, Radio Zet, RMF etc.

If there was this reliability, there would be talk not only about the happiness of stabbing but also about the dangers, deaths, NOPs, DNA alteration, etc.

That is why I am saddened by the attacks on my person when people come here for the truth. Instead of gratitude and respect, heckling, detraction. Some Christians even in paganism are not grateful, honorable, do not show culture. Well, but people write themselves.

Journalism is out. There's media sleuthing, and..:


natura horret vacuum - nature abhors a vacuum.



Although I don't like Latin, the quotes are often from real life. God made the laws and the pagans (Rome) may even notice the laws.

The truth is far more valuable than a new cell phone.

Well, that's right, the phone is affecting our cells....

If you have the option of reading on a computer, you're better off choosing a computer to read the news, rather than a cell phone that you hold either against your reproductive organs or your stomach.


So I fill that vacuum, or rather emptiness, and the likes of me.

Now read in concentration:


"The results of the experiment reported in an issue of the journal _ Nature _ are truly impressive: mice in a "happy" magnetic field experienced emotions comparable to when they were given a very tasty food. The consequence of that was that they didn't want to move away from that field."



Why did I urge you to read with concentration? Well, because most of us suffer from distraction, which I have mentioned several times in the videos, and what I write is very important.


This passage I bolded proves that a living being, a mammal, can feel happy in the presence of a magnetic field.

What happens if the system can control the crowds and create their value system, religious beliefs?


Do you remember this video I posted a while back?


I first asked, out of caution in the title, if magnets attach to stabbed areas of the body, then after a few denials in the comments I wrote that it was fake, and then took it off the video list to re-post in a short time.


They lead us to be unsure of the truth. We have to be reliable. They can lie at will as you can see by the extent of the witchcraft they practice in the media.

So after some time it turned out that indeed magnets do attach to the body and my brothers and sisters were doing the experiments themselves. This is no longer news or conspiracy theory.


But let's keep reading this screaming truth article from


"The gene was modified. TRPV4 * to bind it to an iron protein termed ferritin, which is sensitive to external magnetic radiation. The result was a newly obtained hybrid protein, referred to by the researchers as *.Magneto. Its greatest advantage is precisely that it responds to magnetic radiation by opening an ion channel that changes the electrical charge in neuronal connections."


I remind you of my piece on Magneto's protein from The Guardian:


„Genetycznie zaprojektowane białko „Magneto” zdalnie kontroluje mózg i zachowanie”.


The only conspiracy there is is against humanity.

"For there is nothing hidden that will not come to light, nor anything secret that will not become known. " Luke 12.


Okay, there was a reference to magnetic radiation, not electromagnetic radiation, and this is where they instruct us:


"In danio fish, the change involved areas responsible for the sense of touch. When subjected to electromagnetic radiation, fish significantly increased behaviors (tail curling) identified with escape attempts."



In my Magneto protein article, I said that humans would be controllable. Not only have they been controllable by TV for the last 50 years, but now they will be even more so.


Are you aware of the looming threat of mind control?

The entire chapter 13 of the book of Revelation is being fulfilled before our eyes.

Introduced cashless trading, exclusion of the unvaccinated " no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark - the name of the Beast or the number of his name."

We are in the preliminary stage, This is crossing the threshold of preparation to exclude people without a sign. I've written about many of the assumptions, plans proposals people of the system: banning people from entering the city, using public transportation....

For now, concerts are not allowed.

Let the Polish national team continue to play like this against Slovakia and people will give up the goods on their own. Let the stars like Otylia continue to advertise in the "szczepimysie" action and the viewership of sport will drop by 20%.

I, regardless of their actions, am not attracted to it. I prefer to play sports myself as an amateur, recreationally, than to build dubious authorities of the beast system. People who are bribed.


It's not over:


"Scientists are now planning further experiments on live animals to, among other things, create a protein more sensitive to magnetic radiation and placing it more precisely in specific neural circuits of the brain."


More precise placement in specific neural circuits of the brain. 


Here is the Masonic logo of the very famous Alan Walker band.



In the video below, "happy" magnetic field people control drones....



When I first watched it I didn't know what they were trying to tell us. I was guessing. Many Luciferian secrets come out after a while.


Controlling things will give humanity the ability to become gods.

Controlling objects with 5G or rather soon 6g (a few years) will give the appearance of power over objects.

I know how it draws you in. I had a drone, in fact I think I still do. Hence, I'm writing about something I know about.

Anyway, you know yourself by living a smartphone addiction.

How many benefits it provides.


They are in the process of birthing a new Adam - of clay and iron.


God's perfect design:

A man (husband) injects fluid into another man (his wife) and brings new life.

Satan's perverted plan:

A person injects a fluid into another person (stabbing) and causes eternal death.

In this warped scenario, he even tries to copy God's design of the sperm in nanorobots.


You must choose for yourself which side you will stand on. However, giving up cyborgization does not give salvation. Rescue (salvation) is given by Jesus Christ - the only politician (King), monarch who can pull man out of Satan's matrix. By the way, why don't the new age say that this is Satan's matrix? ....

He gives hope in this sick world. Hope that you will not fall into depression, and if you are you will come out of it.


Knowing all this does not save. God makes it clear who will be saved and inherit the earth. Jesus quoted the ST saying:


""Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth." (Matt. 5:5)"


That doesn't mean sitting like a mouse under a broomstick, because it says in another section:


"What I tell you in darkness, tell you in the light of day; and what you hear with the ear, preach on rooftops." 


Jesus quoted himself:


Psalms: "But the humble shall inherit the earth And enjoy abundant peace"(Ps. 37:11)


The Toronto translation I appreciate translates Matthew 5 more clearly:


Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.


The bar stands high:


"30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God7with which you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, exultation, anger, uproar, insult - along with all anger - disappear from among you. 32 Be good and merciful to one another! Forgive one another, just as God has forgiven us in Christ." 


Praise be to Jesus, the only Deliverer.

I know that conspiracies are more attractive to many than the Word of God. Conspiracies can feed pride. But pride does not save; it actually makes a person worse. What will come of a man knowing that he is dirty? Until he does something about it it doesn't change much.

The most important thing is to feel sick and come to the doctor of doctors - Jesus (God saves) Christ. Not to WHO, not to conspiracies, but to the living Word having the power to tear down strongholds.



The link I commented on:




My blog is an alternative to the systemic and anti-systemic but unbiblical new age media.


For about 10 years I have been growing in the knowledge of God's Law and based on this Law I relate reality. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which humanity is already experiencing with "plandia", which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.


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Updated: 16 June 2021 — 09:28

1 Comment

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  1. The world is going downhill, the enemy is firmly in control. Yesterday I watched the movie and I honestly don't understand where these people are looking for freedom. After all, the Creator gives me freedom that I will never have while I am in pursuit of sin and satisfying my carnal temptations. The people in this association are selling their souls to feel special, and they say they are proud to create something niche. They feed off of people's irritation at their actions. I feel sorry for all these souls, they do not know how precious their gift from God is and how cheaply they buy it...

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