Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A plague of landslides in the two spiritual capitals of the world, Jerusalem and Rome.

If it weren't for the collapse of streets in Jerusalem I wouldn't pay any attention to this phenomenon.



Rome has been called the European capital of sinkholes thanks to a network of ancient Roman and medieval tunnels that caused the city's streets to be engulfed by gigantic chasms.


Concerns are growing in Rome about the rate at which underground tunnels and quarries are causing collapses, as an average of 100 sinkholes occur each year, according to The Times. Earlier this week, two parked cars, a Mercedes SUV and a smart car, shockingly disappeared into a six meter deep and 20 meter long chasm in Torpignattara district.


In 2018, one of the largest landslides occurred.


The resulting landslide is gigantic in size - it is 10 meters deep. The huge hole engulfed six cars, but fortunately no one was hurt. Approx. 60 people were evacuated from their homes


In contrast, the subsequent sinkholes are mysterious to say the least.


The ground collapsed in front of a hospital in Jerusalem. Several cars fell in.


Experts assume that the sinkhole was caused by the nearby tunnel construction. Its section runs under the hospital and the parking lot.



But the most mysterious is the sinkhole in Mexico.



In April 2021, huge sinkholes appeared in agricultural fields in Turkey.


Jakkolwiek by nie tłumaczyć tych zapadlisk można symbolicznie rzec, że ziemia się pogrąża…..





Updated: 8 June 2021 — 16:33

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