Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live in harmony with all people!

Today during prayer, God laid on my heart this very verse from Romans.

Many of us live in an environment where there are attacks, arguments, swords, etc.


But if we want to follow Jesus, we must strive to live at peace with others.


18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live in harmony with all men! Romans 12


Zapewne wielu skoncentruje się na samym początku i powie sobie “taaak, jeśli to możliwe”

Yes, Jesus sometimes got into disputes with the Pharisees, but He quickly got out of them.

The question is what do we do when we have to deal with such people every day?

Najlepiej takich ludzi unikać, a jeśli to jest mąż, żona i dochodzi do skrajnych sytuacji – odseparować.

W języku włoskim słowo “basta” mówi się wtedy, kiedy już czegoś mamy dosyć, czyli “wystarczy, basta”.


We are called to peace, not notorious wars.




 In contrast, the wisdom [coming] from above is first of all humble, further full of peace, indulgent, submissive, full of mercy and good fruits, is constant and sincere.
(List Jakuba 3:17″

We must not get into notorious melees, quarrels, because that is a bad testimony. You don't have to be involved in these arguments at all. Basta.


For he who wants to love life and see happy days, let him restrain his tongue from evil and his lips from falsehood! (11) Let him avoid evil and do good, let him seek peace and follow it, 1 Peter


It is the duty of the follower of Jesus to SEEK PEACE and to follow him.


A bad testimony is not everything. Without peace, NO ONE will see the Lord.


Strive for peace with all and to sanctification, without which no one will see the LORD Heb 12


Without Shalom, no one will see God. This is a terrible warning.


We need to get these words into our hearts. The Crusades of the Catholic Church and the Inquisition had the words of the Bible about peace for nothing. And now it happens that Catholics who hate the system insult others.

We must be different from the world. Hate this system of Satan, but if possible live in harmony with all people.






Updated: 24 May 2021 — 18:04

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