Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why do vaccinated people make HEALTHY people sick? Pfizer document admits that vaccinated people "shed" infectious particles.

According to the Naturalnews website,

“Szczepionka jest bronią biologiczną. W szczególności białko kolczaste jest bronią bioaktywną i jest przeznaczone do przenoszenia się z człowieka na człowieka, przenosząc się od zaszczepionych w celu zakażenia niezaszczepionych.

Never forget that Bill Gates has long wanted to use mosquitoes to carry vaccines so that people could be vaccinated against their own wishes (and completely without informed consent). Turns out they don't need mosquitoes. They have highly obedient people ready to fill the same role.

People who are injected with the mRNA vaccine turn their bodies into biological weapons factories , shedding protein molecules in the form of spikes that they shed through their mouths and skin (and, incidentally, semen), infecting everyone around them. The spike protein is biologically active and causes blood clots, leading to strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism and infertility effects. Pfizer's own documents reveal that this phenomenon is well known to vaccine developers.

It is now becoming clear that today's vaccines are deliberately designed to act as self-replicating vaccines , to spread a bioweapon containing a peak protein to those who refuse to be vaccinated. As Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists wrote last year: Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could go wrong? "

This explains all the bizarre effects of blood clotting that are currently being experienced unvaccinated individuals, Who are in close proximity to vaccinated individuals. We will be reporting much more on this in the coming days.

Due to the ability of the pointed protein to translocate and capture the body's protein synthesis with mRNA vaccines, globalists probably only need about 50 percent of a given population to vaccinate and have already achieved that goal in most countries.

They don't even need the other half of the population to agree, because these people will be "inoculated" by the transmission of the spike protein itself. This means that almost everyone will be infected with the spike protein, which will make almost everyone susceptible to the possibility of a hyper-inflammatory reaction upon contact with the wild-type coronavirus strains that will be released later this year. (It's a binary weapon system, get it?)

Hence the great importance of immunomodulation, follow an anti-inflammatory diet, avoid allergy-inducing substances in food and medicine etc.

The following video from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and others explains very important concepts regarding the transmission of this spike protein by the vaccinated. Dr. Tenpenny points out that this is not the "shedding" of virus particles, but rather the "transfer" of spike protein particles based on the adenovirus used to make the vaccine:


Drs. Madej and Pavelsky, Americans of Polish descent, are well known to us.



A vaccine is a pandemic. The spike protein is a biological weapon. Each person who receives an injection of mRNA has their own body transformed into a biological weapon factory that is used to infect others.

If anyone should be masked now, it's the people who have been vaccinated. They are super spreaders. They are walking biological bombs.


In light of this article, it will be better for us unvaccinated people if the mandate to wear masks continues.

I must admit that I am afraid of vaccinated people on a daily basis and I advise you to take precautions.



Updated: 6 May 2021 — 15:54

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  1. Lord Most High witness to me that since the mass vaccinations I started to move away from vaccinated people, I never did but subconsciously I started to isolate myself from them, and even something stirred up my distrust, dislike, I can't name the feeling.... I don't want to go near them or talk to them, it's like I'm incredibly disappointed in them.

    I read an opinion of a doctor (from abroad) who stated that vaccines that trigger the protein production mechanism will lead to autoimmune diseases, and this doctor even stated directly that it will lead to the destruction of the body from the inside so that people will start to die due to lack of strength.

    and here I was reminded of Nightingale's prophecy (I know I often come back to this, but these prophecies of his have such accuracy that you can not leave it) he in one of the descriptions of the new disease just said that there will come a plague by which people will not have strength he even gave an example:

    “Jedna choroba pojawi się bez
    a name from which there will be plenty of corpses in the streets and no one to bury them. They'll be crawling all over them
    robaki i wokół będzie panował smród. Sławoczka powiedział: “Mamusiu, ludzie będą iść i umierać w
    ruchu, ponieważ zupełnie nie będą mieć energii. W naszym mieście będzie tak samo”.
    "What will happen in Russia will happen in other countries as well," - Slawik often said.
    – „Sławoczka, a co to za choroba, jak ona się nazywa?”- zapytała matka. – „Niech popatrzę, mamusiu.
    Here is the house where we live, and quietly, slowly a woman walks down the sidewalk. She walks and sees that in front
    entrance to a house next to a bench her friend dies, she fell down and dies. The woman stops and thinks:
    "Can he help her? And will I have enough strength? Will I get to the apartment afterwards and see my children?" ... I
    powoli idzie do wejścia… Nie, mamusiu, ta choroba nie ma nazwy” – proroctwa Sławika, s.20.

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