Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Police interrupted the family dinner by declaring it illegal.

Police broke up an illegal wedding dinner gathering near Lukow in Lubelskie last weekend.

W jednym z lokali odbył się uroczysty, rodzinny obiad z okazji ślubu. W spotkaniu uczestniczyło 15 osób. Policjanci ukarali 300-złotowym mandatem właścicielkę lokalu – relacjonuje w rozmowie z asp. szt. Marcin Józwik z KPP w Łukowie.

Last Saturday, police officers also interrupted a wedding in Siedlce, 30 kilometers away from Lukow.

Nielegalne spotkanie rodzinne zapewne zapamiętają  długo jego uczestnicy. Ale policja….Uważam, że lokersi powinni dać odczuć tym policjantom w mieście co zrobili.

Sometimes there are no other ways to change a person's nature.

Today a family dinner to celebrate a wedding. Tomorrow an illicit dinner.

Anyone think I'm exaggerating?

Trailer do filmu “Grey State” był nagrywany 9 lat temu. Dzisiaj częśx z tego filmu to rzeczywistość:


Human passivity and lack of love for the truth and allergy to God's Word leads to such situations.





Updated: 14 April 2021 — 22:25


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  1. So we have in the article: the number 3, 6, 9 and finally a triangle in the video preview. Weird.

  2. W tym filmie “Gray state” na końcu jest kat w białym stroju ścinąjąc człowiekowi głowe gilotyną… Kilka razy widziałem ten zwiastun a dopiero teraz zauważyłem.

    There is also a map of cities in the USA, and this man points his finger at Minneapolis, where Floyd died last year, and now another black man died there too, a coincidence? Hehe

    Yet the riots resume while WW3 hangs in the air, ehh what a coincidence.

    I once read about some dreams from God of certain people, exactly about 3WW and attack on USA: as soon as some revolution/civil war starts in USA then they will be attacked by Russia and China.
    Now all that's missing is for the cop Chauvin, who they wrongly accuse of killing Floyd, to be acquitted then the left and the whole blm will destroy the USA(that's what they are threatening). And that is very possible in the near future, this trial is slowly winding down.

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