Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Take care of yourself.

A seemingly unbiblical and unchristian title.

Even the world of atheism condemns selfishness.

So why such a title? Primarily out of impotence and pain. All my blogging and jutub activity was primarily aimed at pulling people out of the darkness.

However, we are reaching a point where not only I, but probably you as well, have exhausted all repertoires of ways to bring people to God. We are reaching a climax where we have already been divided and in time some remnant will still be converted. In fact, many will be converted during the Great Tribulation when it will no longer be possible to run such websites. Censorship is one of the elements of the NWO of the Zion Vatican.

These are the last gasps of freedom.

This is because logical arguments cease to have any value,  we should back off slowly and not cast pearls before swine.

By casting the pearls that are the Bible's rationale we make them a cheap commodity, and we make ourselves automatically acquisitive.

What is the way out of this? After all, we have unsaved families, friends, etc.

All that remains is action and prayer. Mercy, understanding their choices, helping them when needed but without rolling out about Jesus. Those who are just converting even have a responsibility to preach Jesus, but those who have been converted long ago and the family does not want to know Jesus should let go physically, but not spiritually.

Now only deeds of mercy remain. Evangelization with love.

If anyone at all wants such evangelism.


We are at a point where we should take care of our lamps, our light, our robes.


Wise and foolish believers.


Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten maidens who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were unwise and five were prudent. The unwise took lamps, but they did not take oil with them. And the prudent ones, together with the lamps, also took oil in vessels. When the bridegroom was delayed, drowsy they all fell asleep. Lecz o północy rozległo się wołanie: “Pan młody idzie, wyjdźcie mu na spotkanie!” Then all these maidens arose and put on their lamps. A nierozsądne rzekły do roztropnych: “Użyczcie nam swej oliwy, bo nasze lampy gasną”. Odpowiedziały roztropne: “Mogłoby i nam, i wam nie wystarczyć. Idźcie raczej do sprzedających i kupcie sobie!” 10 As they went to buy, the bridegroom arrived. Those that were ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was closed. 11 W końcu nadchodzą i pozostałe panny, prosząc: “Panie, panie, otwórz nam!” 12 Lecz on odpowiedział: “Zaprawdę, powiadam wam, nie znam was”. 13 Watch therefore, for you do not know the day or the hour.




The parable of the Virgins Wise and Foolish has two temporal references: universal and eschatological.

In both, the effect of making a mistake is the same:


Many will seek admission to heaven when it is too late.


Already people are dying today without managing to know Jesus. They no longer have a second chance.

The end times rapture will close the door on lukewarm Christians who will be left with other unbelievers in a world of coming cyborgs and total surveillance and tyranny.


This is why we need to be dear brothers and sisters filled with the Holy Spirit, the oils that are the fuel for the lamp that shines in the darkness.

Revelation speaks of those who guard The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

It is impossible to have the faith of Jesus without a relationship with the Father, and it is impossible to keep the commandments of God without knowing or ignoring them.

The bar is set really high and it is not knowledge, but obedience and abiding in the love and mercy of Jesus.


"After that, everyone learn aboutthat you are my disciplesif you love one another" (J 13, 35)


Unfortunately, not all Christians love others, and therefore cannot be called disciples of Jesus.

Ask yourself, if you died today, would you be able to say of yourself that you have the love of Jesus and keep the commandments of God?


(10) So, while we have time, let us do good to all, especially to our brothers and sisters in the faith.
(Galatians 6:10)


Polubiłem kiedyś piosenkę zespołu De Mono “Póki na to czas”.

Jak na dekadę temu, song ten był niewinny jak gołąbek…

It mentions the passing of time.


Paul recommended to be good to others, especially to the Brethren in the Faith. Why? Because they are especially vulnerable to Satan's attacks. Satan does not attack people from his camp. Captives are not attacked.

That is why I suffered many times when Christians attacked me. Now I know that they were demonized people and unborn of the Spirit.

I believe that only prayer can help such people.


Based on the parable of the Virgins, if we do not take care of our oil. The filling of the Sanctifying Spirit only takes place through the daily filling of the Word. Foolish virgins want oil for their lamps from those reading the Word, and sometimes they don't even want it. They need only the sanctifying company of others filled with the Spirit.

When Jesus Christ comes filled with the Sanctifying Spirit they will not give the Word they have ingrained in them to foolish virgins.


A symbolic example of this is the submission of people to the authorities of this world when it comes to stabbing. The Pope, paid doctors, etc. They have no knowledge and truth does not interest them just as lukewarm Christians are not interested in the Word.

Such also should no longer cast pearls before swine.

Let's not make goodness a Chinese counterfeit. God gave people choice and will and we are not to give it?

If we don't take care of ourselves, we're done for and we won't help others.



So it's time to get totally closer to God. Reading the Word and living the Word. Later today I'll record a video of my (or God's Spirit's) biblical reflections, which I'm very excited about.


Now knowing why we should be selfish and concerned about our sanctification we should not cast pearls before swine to others.

There must be a clear line of separation. Love for people yes, canvassing in Word no.


Many internet evangelists say that the rapture could be at any moment. If they are right, then once the door is closed, there may be only crying left.

But the issue of capture is a secondary thing. People are already dying either by being saved from the death of the other or not.


May you be cold or hot! 16 And so, since you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I want you out of my mouth.Rev3.




Updated: 13 April 2021 — 10:09

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