Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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What can anti-covid masks and PCR assays contain? Do Morgellons exist?

For the first time I learned about moving mysterious threads about a year ago, when someone sent me a video of wires under the skin of some man. I thought it was a topic designed to cause a sensation and I had no idea about it at all.

The breakthrough came when I watched an Andy Choinsky video that introduced me to the Morgellons.


What can we officially learn about this phenomenon, the disease?


alleged condition skin lesions characterized by disfiguring wounds, the presence of multicolored filaments of unknown origin on and under the skin, and a sensation of worms crawling under the skin. Numerous cases of this condition have been reported in patients in the states of Texas, Florida, and California in the United States. Scientists' opinions on the subject were initially divided. Część lekarzy uważa “chorobę Morgellonów” za objaw halucynozy pasożytniczej.

However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. government agency charged with preventing, monitoring, and eradicating disease, faced with a large number of reported cases, took steps to investigate the phenomenon and in 2008 concluded that it was not yet known whether this was a new disease entity[2]. Dopiero w styczniu 2012 opublikowano wyniki badań CDC, które wykazały, że w ciałach pacjentów brak jest obcych organizmów, a tajemnicze włókna pochodzą z ubrań; badacze nie wykryli żadnego czynnika związanego z kondycją pacjenta lub inwazją pasożytniczą wywołującego objawy syndromu, podobnie jak w przypadku halucynozy pasożytnicze”


Na wstępie napisali o “rzekomej chorobie” a za chwilę, że jednak “ wobec dużej liczby zgłaszanych przypadków, podjęła działania zmierzające do zbadania zjawiska i w 2008 stwierdziła, że nie wiadomo jeszcze, czy jest to nowa jednostka chorobowa”


In one short text, a denial of the asserted thesis that this is an alleged disease.


Dzisiaj najpierw nagrałem film, w którym przedstawiłem trzy różne filmy o tajemniczych niciach wyglądających jak cienkie przewody metalowe, znajdujących się na testach PCR oraz w …maskach antykowidowych.


Due to the fact that doctors themselves are divided on this topic, let alone a layman in medical matters, as usual I did my research and below I will share its results with you.


System scientists, who by the way let's assume that they have good intentions and have approached the matter fairly stated:


Why do the fibers appear to move in the film? In addition to environmental factors (breath, wind), electrostatic forces mogą powodować przyleganie włókien do siebie i innych materiałów – stwierdza Instytut Fizyki. Badania pokazują również, że poliester wykazuje wyższy poziom ładunku statycznego w porównaniu z włóknami naturalnymi, takimi jak jedwab, reports Reuters. Static charge does not mean the material is "live" and there is no other evidence to support this claim in the video.


As I retorted in the video the problem is that in a mask such a thing could not be subjected to the forces of breath, wind.

So what are these little conductors?


The premise is as follows:

Morgellons has a relationship with cellular telephony, ChemTrails, PCR testing and masks.

Are we able to prove such a thesis? I think that this text will only be a starting point for a deeper exploration of the topic.

From the text on the web:


Morgellons are artificially produced living organismswhich, in terms of DNA structure, are similar to a kind of mixture of unicellular, multicellular and fungi. I will use substitutes for better understanding because I find it most convenient to compare them to mushrooms, because they grow like mushrooms, reproduce like mushrooms, and have many similar properties. You know that many mushrooms that we most immediately associate with the term "fungus" are composed of a mycelium and a fruiting body. E.g. the mushroom: Its plexus is the invisible part, because it lies in the soil, whereas only the fruiting bodies are visible.
Such a strand in Morgelons is nano-capillaries, i.e. Thin tubes that are willing to accept/absorb several types of nanoparticulate materials... and this is exactly what you are being fed from heaven, through the "Chem-Trails" you all know.
Z tej rozprawki, artykułu nieznanej mi osoby a umieszczonego na profilu “Stop Chemtrails nad Polską” wynika, że Morgellony przypominają coś w swej naturze grzyby i mają właściwości abosrbcyjne.
Gives reads that :
Morgellons are crystalline life forms and consist of Barium-Strontium titanate of three crystalline elements: Barium, Strontium and Titanium oxide. Ten materiał posiada wiele właściwości, takich jak np. bardzo wysoka przepuszczalność światła (czterokrotnie wyższa niż u diamentu) i piezo-elektryczność. Wytłumaczę krótko na czym polega piezo-elektryczność, bo ta właściwość odgrywa grawerującą role u Morgelonow:”
Acting on this piezoelectric Barium-Strontium Titanate by creating pressure, it begins to emit electromagnetic waves. Depending on the pressure, these waves can lie in the invisible spectrum (electricity, radio waves), or the visible spectrum (light). To put it more clearly: When pressed on a piezo-crystal, it responds by producing light, either by releasing electrons or radio waves. This process can also be reversed, by interacting with radio waves, electricity, light, you can get a change in the form of this material. If the message is not clear, please read the explanation of what is the phenomenon of piezoelectricity, several times, because it is the basis for the functioning of this technology.
Pod artykułem źródłowym znalazłem jedyne “merytoryczne” wypowiedzi w stylu “co za bełkot”.
People despise what they don't know.
If Barium-Strontium Titanate starts producing fale elektromagnetyczne, to …
Controlling the growth of Morgellons in your body-their reproduction and several other functions- is done by radio microwaves, Which are sent to you using cell phones, cell phone stations, and HAARP antennas. Let me give you an example: If the Morgellons receive a specific command of the appropriate microwave frequency, fruiting bodies grow out of their strands (i.e. fiber optic tubes) in the form of hexagonal crystals. These crystals are like lamps in the cells of your body. To summarize the structure of a complete morgellon fungus and translate it into technical language; it is thus already Fiber optic system that envelops your whole body(capillaries filled with blue and red nanocrystals) and LAMPE in almost every cell in your body.


A command issued at specific frequencies can command the crystals that these nano-tubes are filled with to emit blue light, or red light, or infrared light. Blue light is a command for Morgellons to begin reproducing in an almost panicky manner, while red and infrared light trigger the natural processes of your cellswhich I will briefly describe and explain:
Nature took care to reduce the number of people by means of viruses, just in case they multiplied too much and the living environment became cramped. This is why epidemics so often broke out in places overcrowded with people - like military camps, etc.



I would like to add from myself that Lombardy in Italy, notorious for the number of deaths, was one of the first to gain access to 5G.

I talked about it on the channel I got deleted.

Now I've found info about Italy as the pioneer of 5G in the world:


From the information above, it seems that maybe 5G itself is actually not that scary (I don't know that), but combined with Morgellons disease it can already be deadly.


The above copied material is from at least 2008, why am I pointing this out?

Read more:


Now, using nanotechnology, the DNA of each cell naturally emits red and infrared light. For each of you it is specific, that is, slightly different. If you stay in tightly populated areas for long periods of time, your DNA picks up this red and infrared light emitted by the DNA of other human individuals and gives your cells a signal to activate the virus that is dormant in them. This is, in other words, a signal for population reduction. Only those individuals survive whose organisms are strongest and can cope with the virus.


We are talking about the virus activated by Morgellons in 2018!!!

We hear a lot about vaccine deaths, but this is probably below 1%. There are more post-vaccination reactions.

Ja przed przeczytaniem analizowanego artykułu mówiłem innym, że wszystko okaże się w ciągu roku…

But now read what comes next:


The time of dying is set by your "bosses" Manipulators for 10 months (so as not to arouse suspicion), But technically it can be cut down to a few minutes. Morgelon's project of weapons of mass destruction, technically is already finished and tested. Only political regulations and arrangements are still missing.
To już mamy…
An example in recent times that you have heard of was the mass deaths of dolphins that were found to be bleeding from all orifices in the body, whales, birds, bats..., this is the link to this morgelon weapon being tested on the natural environment.



How do you guard against this? This is where the author comes to the rescue:


 As I mentioned, healthy eating (at least 50%s in raw form) is an important thing, as well as maintaining alkaline levels in your cells (don't acidify your body), and detoxifying by, for example, drinking distilled water, or a solution of dolomite fines/volcanic rock. It will definitely help you to avoid places contaminated with microwaves, especially pulsed microwaves (cell phones, wireless internet modems and all kinds of wireless microwave devices, radar stations - like the one installed near Krakow a few years ago). Unfortunately, cellular phone supporters surround you from everywhere and it is difficult nowadays to stay away from them. As a result, cell phone receiving and transmitting stations also surround you from all sides - especially in cities. These people do not realize that they are carrying in their pockets and purses detonators of nano-weapons that have been placed in the cells of their bodies.
There is a plant-based agent as an antidote and poison for Morgellons;
This measure is inAlfalfa or Alfalfa Extractwhich is an herb with strong alkalizing (deacidifying) properties.
Lucerna ziele – Alfalfa siewna roślina pastewna, z dużą zawartością białka. Może być spożywana na surowo przez ludzi, a w sklepach znajdziecie jej kiełki, które charakteryzują się wysoką wartością odżywczą. Cała roślina bogata jest w witaminy, minerały i aminokwasy.
Alfalfa was eaten in salads as a vegetable and was also put into pickles. It can be used by women with irregular menstrual periods and during menopause. Help people suffering from scurvy, emaciated and malnourished.
Alfalfa herb is rich in isoflavones, which act as plant estrogens. Alfalfa helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and PMS. It also has an anti-androgenic effect, lowering the levels of male sex hormones in the body.
Phyto-sterols in alfalfa are compounds that help lower blood cholesterol levels because they compete with cholesterol molecules for absorption in the small intestine.
Alfalfa infusions have a positive effect on digestion and appetite. They have a nutritional and strengthening effect. Dried alfalfa herb is not as rich in vitamins and minerals as fresh alfalfa herb or even annual, but it still contains a significant amount of them.
Alfalfa for women in menopause, with irregular periods or PMS symptoms
For cardiovascular health and as a daily strengthening tea. You can make an infusion
1-2 teaspoons of the herb pour a glass of boiling water then cover, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1-2 times a day, half a glass.
You can make a 1:5 tincture on alcohol 40-60%. Drink 2 times a day with 5 ml each. If there is powdered herb
Take orally 0.5-1 g 3 times a day, preferably when mixed with honey.
Do not use if pregnant or lactating

I was sent a screen shot of an inquiry a few days ago to Sanepid regarding providing the composition of PCR tests and supposedly they have not responded to anyone.

Sanepid is an organization reminiscent of Dr. Mengele's units. What kind of people must work there?



Let's study how things are and not let these people oppose Jesus. As for informing others, I am slowly losing my enthusiasm in real life. I don't inform others. In the age of the Internet, knowledge is available to all and at our fingertips. So let's treat what we know as a blessing from God. As a gift, a grace to know the truth.


Let us all ask God for wisdom in all this:


But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all willingly and without excuse; and he will surely obtain it3But let him ask in faith, and let him not doubt a thing! For he who doubts is like a wave of the sea stirred up by the wind and tossed about. James 1




Updated: 25 March 2021 — 13:16

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