Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Ludzie chorują i umierają na “kowida”. A mówiłem…

I often repeat the same sentences in my films and texts. However, as he finds out, this is not enough.

Why not enough?

Namely because when people start to get sick now, as several people have already reported to me today, there is a surprise that there is a covarium after all, there is a virus.

Pretty much, someone sent me a link to changenaizemi:


The virus was, is, and will be, and now I will write you what you missed in my texts and videos.


When I was talking about vaccination in the UK, I informed you that at the same time it was found that a new more dangerous mutation had been created.  I hypothesized at the time that vaccines spread the virus.

By the way. I generally think people have a memory problem.


Second, I said I wouldn't invite vaccinated people to my conventions. Nawet ostatnio jakaś czytelniczka mnie zapytała czy na prawdę nie przyjmę zaszczepionych…


Third, I wrote in an article titled

Phases of introduction of COWI-COMMUNISM by 2021."


This leaked text:




Phases of introduction of COWI-COMMUNISM by 2021."


“– Przewidywana mutacja COVID-19 i / lub koinfekcja wtórnym wirusem ( określanym jako COVID-21 ) prowadząca do trzeciej fali o znacznie wyższej śmiertelności i wyższym wskaźniku zakażenia. Przewidywany termin do lutego 2021 r.”



For what purpose am I writing this text?

That's because some treated covid -19 as a non-existent threat. Now it is real.

Żeby Wam uzmysłowić co się dzieje, publicznie deklaruję, że będę unikał osób zaszczepionych. Oczywiście osoby niezaszczepione mogą być zakażone kowidem 21 od innych zaszczepionych, ale pisałem też kilka razy i mówiłem o odbudowie odporności…


It is now up to you how you treat this information.








Updated: 13 March 2021 — 22:18

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